New Firmware - clock manager
in AMX Hardware
Glad to see the new firmware includes a clock manager.
I already use i!Schedule in the system, how can I turn off the time syncronisation in i!Schedule?
I already use i!Schedule in the system, how can I turn off the time syncronisation in i!Schedule?
You get a choice of week of the month (1-5) and day of the week. Do I pick week 5 if I want to state last Sunday of the month? Will it still work if there isn?t 5 weeks in the month? And do I pick week 1 if I want to say first Sunday of the month? Will it still work if the month begins on Monday?
The week of the month choice doesn?t make much sense, at least to me. Don?t we really need first <insert day> of the month, second <insert day> month, etc., along with last <insert day> of the month?
I was wondering how long it normally takes for a NetLinx web page to load. It seems slow to me. What is your duet memory setting?
What happened to the system message log that was featured in non-duet firmware?
When I have a blank program or small program the web interface seems ok (maybe a few seconds per page) With a larger program the web interface is pretty much unusable as it takes about 30 seconds to go from page to page and while it?s doing that my CPU gets pegged at 100% and my browser hangs.
I don?t know if anyone else had any problems upgrading from 3.14.227 to 3.21.343 but when I did the web service didn?t even start because the log file showed errors after the reboot while trying to open some files (lines 15,39,51,76, and 77):
I did a format disk and loaded a blank program but that didn?t resolve anything. So then I down graded to 3.14.227 and I still got errors in the log file and the web service didn?t start (I know 3.14.227 was working before because I opened the web interface before the upgrade process so I could compare the old look to the new) I then downgraded one more version to 3.12.335 and the web service started and the log file was clear of errors. Next I upgrade to 3.21.343 and the new web server finally started working.
I thought there might be an issue with upgrading from 3.14.227 to 3.21.343 so I downgraded back to 3.14.227 and all was fine. I upgraded back to 3.21.343 and all was still fine so I don?t know why I had the problems I did.
I like the idea of the auto time syncing and DST rules (once I figure out how AMX is counting days in the month) but I?m going to take a pass on this newest version for now. Maybe it?s my DUET memory settings. I?m not using DUET modules right now and I?m not clear on how this memory mapping is supposed to work.
2) Click the icon next to the NI-Master in the device tree floating window.
3) Click on Log.
I'm having the same issue and notified tech support, only suggestion they had was upping duet memory, but I don't think that addresses a browser hanging up. It looks like they've gone to using an applet for system management, and the applet is sitting in a loop waiting for the netlinx to respond to the request. Whatever the issue...pretty unacceptable to release something like this.
edited to add: looks like this is a compatibility issue with FireFox, the interface works fine on IE. However, getting back to the time settings, seems to be very flaky. I tried to set my time zone and network sync...hitting Accept either changes the time zone to the international date line, or changes me back to manual from network. I setup daylight savings as well, but the time on the processor never changed.
I see a difference between them also but using either browser pegs the CPU at 100%. I always keep the task manager minimized in the system tray and IE actually pegs the CPU for much longer period of time than Firefox but the page gets drawn on the screen much faster with IE. When the CPU is pegged with Firefox I can?t navigate to a different page. When the CPU is pegged with IE I can navigate to a different page. Both browsers are really putting a strain on my PC.
I also found that I can?t even get into the web interface with Firefox sometimes. It just sits there forever. Then I try it with IE and I can get in. If I reboot my NI-700 then I can use Firefox again. It?s pretty difficult to draw any real conclusions because I?m getting inconsistent results.
Maybe I have issues with my PC, or my network, or maybe it?s the program I have running in the NI-700 that was written for a NI-3000 (I don?t ?think? that should matter). Or maybe it?s my JRE. Marc Scheibein mentioned in another thread about G3 web control that you need v1.4.2_04. I?ve got v1.4.2_03 installed. Or maybe I still have some sort of residual affects from the problems I had when I upgraded the firmware. I really don?t know.
I didn?t notice that before but yes I see the same thing. The time is correct on my master but I didn?t realize the setting got changed on the web interface.
Should it? We?re out of daylight saving time now. How did you set your rules up?
(Note: Reminder that DST rules change next year to 2nd Sunday in March thru the first Sunday in November for most of us living in the U.S.A.)