Double Button_Event

Has anyone encountered a double Button_Events (double Push) from a single button push? On the current code and TP pages I'm working on for ViewStat program scheduling I've run across a situation that when some buttons are pushed they generate two Button_Events (Push). Basically the button is pushed twice. I've checked my TP dev Array and my Define_Device numbers/name to make sure I didn't have the same thing listed twice and there wasn't. I eliminated the dev Array completely w/ just a single device in the button_event but no difference. I changed port numbers thinking maybe I had old code somewhere doing a do_push or something. I created new buttons on the TP with the same numbers with no change. I have no "Release" or "Holds", plus neither one would make it run through the push a second time.
The TP buttons are normal general type, some with channel feedback while others are momentary. Some have pass through text buttons on top but no channel numbers.
I tried pushing the button really, really, really fast and it still does it. (That's a joke)
Any ideas?
The TP buttons are normal general type, some with channel feedback while others are momentary. Some have pass through text buttons on top but no channel numbers.
I tried pushing the button really, really, really fast and it still does it. (That's a joke)
Any ideas?
It the code I'm writing there only a a get_last and no do_pushes or functions doing do_pushes and there isn't anything of that sort in the existing portion of the module and this is the only reference to this D:P:S in the entire code for TP, DEVICE and VIRTUAL.
When I finish getting this ViewStat scheduler working I'll take another look and see what I can find but for now using the new channel numbers its working so I must press on before I continue chasing ghosts.