I can't find any original thread for this so here goes.
My code suddenly stopped working yesterday, with none of the virtual devices visible in "show device". This is a symptom of technote 809 which recommends increasing the Device Manager Queue Size to 1500. The default is 500 and that's what my copy of Queue_and_Threshold_Sizes.axi was setting it to. Changing the queue size solved the problem so I've updated the code (also increasing some settings to their defaults) and thought I would share it here. Sorry about the formatting:
My code suddenly stopped working yesterday, with none of the virtual devices visible in "show device". This is a symptom of technote 809 which recommends increasing the Device Manager Queue Size to 1500. The default is 500 and that's what my copy of Queue_and_Threshold_Sizes.axi was setting it to. Changing the queue size solved the problem so I've updated the code (also increasing some settings to their defaults) and thought I would share it here. Sorry about the formatting:
(*** iInternalCheck.axi ***) (* This must be in the mainline because it has persistent variables *) #if_not_defined DefineInternalCheck #define DefineInternalCheck (******************************************************************************) define_constant (******************************************************************************) integer nRebootMax = 5 (******************************************************************************) define_variable (******************************************************************************) volatile integer bNeedReboot persistent integer nRebootCount persistent integer nCheckCount (******************************************************************************) define_function CheckQueueSize ( long lArgIndex , long lArgValue , char sArgComment[] ) (******************************************************************************) { stack_var long lValue lValue = internal_queue_size_get(lArgIndex) if (lArgValue > lValue) { DebugNumber("'Adjust [',sArgComment,'] Queue Size from[',itoa(lValue),']to['",lArgValue) internal_queue_size_set(lArgIndex,lArgValue) bNeedReboot = True } } (* CheckQueueSize *) (******************************************************************************) define_function CheckThresholdSize ( long lArgIndex , long lArgValue , char sArgComment[] ) (******************************************************************************) { stack_var long lValue lValue = internal_threshold_get(lArgIndex) if (lArgValue > lValue) { DebugNumber("' Adjust [',sArgComment,'] Threshold from[',itoa(lValue),']to'",lArgValue) internal_threshold_set(lArgIndex,lArgValue) bNeedReboot = True } } (* CheckThresholdSize *) (******************************************************************************) define_function CheckInternals () (******************************************************************************) { (* Only ever do this 5 times on a new controller - nCheckCount is persistent *) if (nCheckCount >= 5) return; Debug('Check internals') bNeedReboot = False CheckThresholdSize(internal_threshold_index_interpreter ,2000 ,'Interpreter' ) CheckThresholdSize(internal_threshold_index_lontalk ,50 ,'Lontalk' ) CheckThresholdSize(internal_threshold_index_ip ,600 ,'IP' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_interpreter ,3000 ,'Interpreter' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_notification_mgr ,3000 ,'Notification Manager' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_connection_mgr ,3000 ,'Connection Manager' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_route_mgr ,400 ,'Route Manager' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_device_mgr ,1500 ,'Device Manager' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_diagnostic_mgr ,500 ,'Diagnostic Manager' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_tcp_tx ,600 ,'TCP Transmit Threads' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_ipconnection_mgr ,800 ,'IP Connection Manager' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_message_dispatcher ,1000 ,'Message Dispatcher' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_axlink_tx ,3000 ,'Axlink Transmit' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_phastlink_tx ,3000 ,'PhastLink Transmit' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_icsplontalk_tx ,500 ,'ICSNet Transmit' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_icsp232_tx ,500 ,'ICSP 232 Transmit' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_icspip_tx ,500 ,'UDP 232 Transmit' ) CheckQueueSize (internal_queue_size_index_ni_device ,500 ,'NI Device Manager' ) (* Check if need to reboot. Must reboot if we have changed internals *) if ( (bNeedReboot ) and (nRebootCount < nRebootMax)) { Debug('### Rebooting to set queue and theshold sizes ###') nRebootCount++ RebootController() } } (* CheckInternals *) (******************************************************************************) define_start (******************************************************************************) wait 200 CheckInternals() #end_if (* iInternalCheck.axi *) (*** End of iInternalCheck.axi ***)