Why do I have to cycle my power after installing or updating my modules
in AMX Hardware
About 75% of the time I must go to the Netlinx Processor and manualy reset the power after loading a new module. It seems like the processor locks up. Any thought of what I'm doing wrong?
Good Luck!
Better still use these queue sizes as posted in Tips and Tricks three days ago:
I am just running an AMX Apex Destiny RS-232 module. It is an NI-2000 with the latest Netlinx Studio Version.
Like noted above, set the modified thresholds. If your master has Duet firmware (v3.xx), it's also required to resize teh Duet mem. Can be done either in terminal (set duet mem), or automatically with the following few lines of code
I haven't been able to find a solution, but since these systems are completely stable once they get going, I haven't spent any time tracking it. They have been as optimized as I know how to make them. My strong suspicion is that the real issue is updates to the panels, not anything in the code itself, but I have no way of testing it at this point. If you don't have a large system where this is happening, telnet into it when it starts and turn on the diagnostic messages. Perhaps you will get a clue what devices or modules are clogging up the queue when it starts up.