Where can i find wap-250g firmware?
in AMX Hardware
hi all,
Where can i find wap-250g firmware?
there are no firmware of wap-250g in amx.com
Where can i find wap-250g firmware?
there are no firmware of wap-250g in amx.com
Thx a lot, but i still have some problem in using wap-250g.
1, The LED of "WLAN" is off
2, Can't open the login page, only show a page as follow:
Emergent Recovery System
You were here because one of the following causes, please make sure in which you were before taking any further actions:
(1) You opened the Web GUI just when the AP was booting up (Please select STEP3 to reset) :
You just need to reset the AP and reopen the Web GUI a little bit late to confirm it as this case. You shall not upgrade the runtime image in this case.
(2) Your browser was showing the cached Web GUI:
After you have experienced the first case, your browser may cached that page in your brower, and the cached page was shown. You can confirm it as this case by refresh this page or clean your cached files in your browser completely. You shall not upgrade the runtime image in this case.
(3) Your AP can not find the right runtime code image (Please follow the operation sequence "STEP1-> STEP2-> STEP3" ) :
If you are sure it is not either of the above case, please prepare the right runtime image first. Once you get the right runtime image, please format the files system, upgrade the run time code through the GUI in this Web page, and reset the AP. After resetting the board, you must close your browser.
STEP1: Format File System
STEP2: Remote Download
STEP3: Reset Access Point
I am sure it is not either of the above case, so i want to do a upgrade/recover to reset the AP. but, there are no upgrade image in amx.com.
so, any idea can fix this problem?