Axcent 3 and Projector
in AMX Hardware
I am having some odd issues. I am trying to get a Sharp XG-PH50X to communicate with a Axcent 3 controller via serial. I have it set up right. The projector is set to 38,000 baud, and the port is set up to be 38000,n,8,1. I am able to communicate to the projector if I connect it straight to my PC using the netlinx terminal. I don't get it. I have used both small serial cables I have and both worked going between the computer and the projector. It doesn't require handshaking and it is also turned off on the port. I have even tried using one of those cat5 converters so I can swap the wires and I used a axb-em232 that I have and that isn't receiving anything back. Does anyone have any idea on what is going on?
Thanks in advance,
I am having some odd issues. I am trying to get a Sharp XG-PH50X to communicate with a Axcent 3 controller via serial. I have it set up right. The projector is set to 38,000 baud, and the port is set up to be 38000,n,8,1. I am able to communicate to the projector if I connect it straight to my PC using the netlinx terminal. I don't get it. I have used both small serial cables I have and both worked going between the computer and the projector. It doesn't require handshaking and it is also turned off on the port. I have even tried using one of those cat5 converters so I can swap the wires and I used a axb-em232 that I have and that isn't receiving anything back. Does anyone have any idea on what is going on?
Thanks in advance,
- if you connect pins 2+3 directly at the AXcent3 and send a string, will you receive something (TX and RX LED should blink simultanly)?
- is your serial cable only using pins 2, 3 and 5? Some of the other pins (1,4,6,9) are not RS232 standard
We need an FAQ to list all of the options to solve this, the most fundamental problem an AMX programmer has to solve!
Try this: connect your PC running HyperTerminal or similar (instead of the device in question) to your NetLinx, set everything up the way you expect it to be, see what comes through on the screen.
I have often found cases like this where the documentation was either wrong or used misleading terminology. This particular case sounds like the projector does require hardware handshaking, and those lines aren't connected at the Axcent3.
Thanks for the help!
- Have you tried to swap the port.
-How far are you away from the projector.
-Can you lower the baud rate of the projector.
The DB-9 com ports on AMX processors ARE NOT wired the same way as PCs/Laptops!!!
When you're doing DB-9 RS232 cables between any device and an AMX controller you should NEVER use more than pins 2, 3, 5, 7 & 8 on the AMX side. (There are RARE occasions where you'll need to jumper pins 4 & 6 on the device end, or do some other similar hack with those two pins, but never on the AMX end of the cable)
This may be old news to you - I'm re-iterating it to be sure and for the benefit of anyone else reading this that may not be aware.
If your 2, 3 & 5 cable - even after trying the swap - doesn't cut it, there's a chance that the projector does in fact require hardware handshaking, in which case you'll need to get/make a cable that includes pins 7 & 8, and do a HSON command in your port setup instead of HSOFF. (I had this with a particular Sharp model a few years ago - after many happy years of just using 2, 3 & 5 with Sharps. Every other Sharp I've seen since then hasn't required it either - go figure...) If your "pre-made" cable has a male connector on one end, you could take some needlenose pliers or a tweaker even and snap out pins 1, 4, 6 & 9. I can pretty much guarantee you that you will never have a need for those, even if you kept the cable to use between your computer and other RS232 devices. (If you use it to program a Clear One DSP, the software will complain about DSR/DTR not being there, but it will still work!)
Just to be 100%, you could also post some of the program code you have that's sending commands to the projector - maybe there's something snuck in there that's throwing things off.
- Chip
Could it be sending it too fast or something like that? I have tried doing a 9600 baud and still nothing. I will try that again though. It will also do the 115000 one or whatever that speed is but the system that will actually be controlling it will not have the ability to do that speed. I am going to be using a axcess card frame and an axc-232. Oh, and the cat5 is about 20' long and the stock cables I have are 5' and 10'.
Thanks again, Ryan
I see these projectors all the time and almost never have a problem. I think they take a null cable and they do not require handshaking, though shorting 7 and 8 on the projector end won't hurt anything. A couple years ago there were some that would not communicate at certain baud rates, but that doesn't seem to be your problem. The famous RXON doesn't seem to be a problem either (you get a string return when you short 2 and 3).
Are you sure that you are getting the carriage return at the end of your string? the Sharp projectors, I think, will not respond if you don't include it.
Like so:
send_string dvProj,"'POWR 1',13"
Because you are getting it to work with your PC, I'm guessing that you are getting the "13"
transmittted from the PC, but not from the Axcent. I'm guessing.
Idea 1:
I wasted a LOT of time recently on a device that wanted both CR and LF in that order on sent commands which of course is automagically done by the terminal software but not by your controller unless you code it so.
Idea 2:
You still haven't confirmed that you can see strings coming out of the controller by plugging the port into your PC.
But, it's not that your terminal client from your computer sends that out "automagically"
I just checked hyperterm to see what it does. It sends out the characters as they are typed and when you hit the Enter key it sends out 13 (hexOD). I never really gave it much thought, especially since I don't use hyperterm much. But, the few times that I have used it, it's seemed natural to me to terminate a string by hitting enter. So, while it's not magic, it's probably pretty easy to send out carriage return characters without realizing it.
P.S. I wasn't using hyperterminal, I was using the netlinx terminal. I suppose it might be using the same system though.