"Smart Transfer" not so smart?

Okay, so to say the least - I am EXTREMELY p***ed off right now. What's the deal with the whole "Smart" Transfer thing? I am currently transfering a file where I changed three buttons . . . THREE BUTTONS . . . and it's sending the whole dang file. I was told by tech support that it possibly creates a "checksum" or "date" of transfer and after so long, it says "I'm gonna send a new panel no matter what."
Guess what? That's the BIGGEST load of crap I have ever heard. It shouldn't matter if I send a panel 2 years ago, or 2 minutes ago; if I'm only changing three buttons, it should only update three buttons, not the entire file.
We're transfering three files, and transfering remotely, so my upload speed isn't the fastest. It's taking 20 minutes per file. That's an HOUR of my WASTED time and not to mention the people at the job site waiting for this to finish so they can check it out. It doesn't matter if I send through TPD4 or NS2. This is a type of problem that should never exist. It's almost as blatanly STUPID as KeypadBuilder not having an "edit" menu.
NOTE: This is all my opinion, and has nothing to do with my company or the people associated with my employer.
Guess what? That's the BIGGEST load of crap I have ever heard. It shouldn't matter if I send a panel 2 years ago, or 2 minutes ago; if I'm only changing three buttons, it should only update three buttons, not the entire file.
We're transfering three files, and transfering remotely, so my upload speed isn't the fastest. It's taking 20 minutes per file. That's an HOUR of my WASTED time and not to mention the people at the job site waiting for this to finish so they can check it out. It doesn't matter if I send through TPD4 or NS2. This is a type of problem that should never exist. It's almost as blatanly STUPID as KeypadBuilder not having an "edit" menu.
NOTE: This is all my opinion, and has nothing to do with my company or the people associated with my employer.
No, it downloads a manifest file from the panel, and compares the component files in TPD4 to the manifest, then loads the files that changed. I can't say for certain what it uses for the compare, but it's likely a combination of the time/date stamp and file size. You don't have any access to those component files, nor can you edit the manifest (that I am aware of).
More than likely what happened here was that the manifest was corrupted, or something got scrambled when it was downloaded, so TPD4 thought all the files changed. Which isn't really a bad default behavior in such cases.
I do know that even when all goes well, it sometimes downloads files you wouldn't think needed it - like font files and some graphics. But the times it downloads the entire panel when "smart transfer" was selected are rare enough that I have never seen it. I would chalk this one up to a bad connection, or maybe just bad luck. I have updated single pages on a file months away from the original, and only have it transfer a half dozen files. So whoever in tech support made that comment was grasping for straws. This in not standard behavior. However, I would say it's not unexpected with a long distance connection. I have completely scrambled panels with bad connections. I would definitely lay money on the manifest getting corrupted in transit here.
Here's what I'm starting to figure: I failed to mention that these files were transfered to a new computer and I'm uploading from that. It seems that all these panels that I haven't sent before on this computer are being fully loaded. I'm not certain of this, but that's what appears to be happening. This is still a pain in the butt and has wasted an enormous amount of time.
Ah, that might have something to do with it - last time I changed computers was at least two years ago. It's possible there is enough of a difference to flag them as changed - though I can't imagine on what criteria, unless the cluster size on your drive figures in.
If you go back and forward between Studio and TPD4 when downloading a panel file you always get a much longer load time. This is due to all the fonts being sent each time you change applications. Tech support explained this to me one time and it has something to do with TPD saved file fonts verses the PC displayed fonts.
Anyway, stick with one application to load files for best results. I like Studio because I can queue the files and continue working.
i dont get it. full panel transfers, like, send everything? Also the fonts? i have never ever seen that with smart transfer enabled.
i always do a clean transfer, to wipe out the demo thats on the panel, and then i use Smart Transfer which only sends the few files that are modified. It does indeed send more than 1 file, but i think thats obvious...
Currently I expect a full transfer when I first go back to a site because I put revision numbers on all of my files, and that seems to be enough of a change to trigger the Smart/Full transfer switch.
I spoke with someone about this and they had mentioned that even renaming it IS enough to do a full transfer. This is in my opinion, a bug / feature that needs to be fixed.
When i look in my "C:\Program Files\AMX Control Disc\TPDesign4" i see all of the panels i ever programmed (well, at least alot
When i deleted them and tried to upload a panel with smart transfer enabled, it did a complete transfer, including fonts etc.
As far as money lost, the same could be applied to an unhappy client when the touch panel goes all flakey and the time spent troubleshooting a problem caused by improper touch panel transfers. I would view it not as wasted time, but time necessary to do the job properly (given the current constraints of the software and hardware).
People upload and download huge files off the internet every day. I don't understand why a panel based on linux can't leverage some of the same technology that makes sure large transfers in less than ideal conditions go smoothly. I hate having to use USB on WIFI panels or risk incomplete transfers. AMX really needs to change the way files are moved back and forth.
I have seen on that other system that you send a compressed package to your panel (fast) and then the panel goes on extracting content (slow) but you dont need to be connected by then... It's just a different method