More Viewstat Module Trouble
in AMX Hardware
Greetings again. I am still having some troubles with this pesky system. At startup, the module is skipping waits between broadcast commands for retreiving current values from the stats.
Attached is a text file showing notifications from my system where I am having trouble with Viewstats. I am watching strings being sent to the physical Viewstat device and strings coming from the virtual Viewstat device for easiest understanding.
Notice for example on line 35, a broadcast command is sent for all stats to report their cool setpoint, the module then waits for all of their responses on lines 36-52, the module then moves on to the heat setpoint on line 53.
Now if you look at lines 91-93, the module sends the broadcast commands for current humidity, humidification setpoint and dehumidification setpoint immediately one after another with no time allowed for responses. Herein lies the problem. There should be a wait between each of these broadcast commands allowing the stats to all respond as was done in my first example.
I don't know what I could have done to cause this as all code relating to this exists in the pre-compiled COMM file provided with the module.
Thanks for any help.
Attached is a text file showing notifications from my system where I am having trouble with Viewstats. I am watching strings being sent to the physical Viewstat device and strings coming from the virtual Viewstat device for easiest understanding.
Notice for example on line 35, a broadcast command is sent for all stats to report their cool setpoint, the module then waits for all of their responses on lines 36-52, the module then moves on to the heat setpoint on line 53.
Now if you look at lines 91-93, the module sends the broadcast commands for current humidity, humidification setpoint and dehumidification setpoint immediately one after another with no time allowed for responses. Herein lies the problem. There should be a wait between each of these broadcast commands allowing the stats to all respond as was done in my first example.
I don't know what I could have done to cause this as all code relating to this exists in the pre-compiled COMM file provided with the module.
Thanks for any help.
I wouldn't put a huge amount of stock into the timing of the feedback from the virtual device. Diagnostics isn't quite a real time reporting tool, I've sent a burst of data to a device and notification will keep going long after the strings have been physically sent out.
The system is not working as needed. For example, if a stat does not report with a cooling setpoint during bootup, the module will not allow you to change that setpoint once online.
The data in my notifications log is correct. I am able to verify the data going in and out of the serial port to the thermostat bus.
Aprilaire Programming Manual:
I would post the whole PDF but it's to big. If you don't have this reference you can find it on the AprilAire web site or if you'd like I could email it to you.
Are you using the new Duet module?
What sort of hardware issues have you had?
I responded in the other thread ...