How to change administrator password?
in AMX Hardware
This is a simple question -- I think. I've probably overlooked something simple.
Does anyone know a way to change the adminstrator password on a duet Netlinx master with the new firmware (3.21.343) without hooking up to the thing with a serial cable?
The web interface won't allow me to change it from there, and neither will Telnet. This master is running the latest Duet firmware (3.21.343). The non-duet and older duet (3.11.323) firmware is easy to update, just go to the admin user and the change password fields are there. The option simply isn't there on the newest Duet firmware. The pages are EXTREMELY slow on the latest firmware, as well -- almost completely unresponsive. I have my Duet memory jacked up from default (I have mine set at 6MB) as recommended in the tech note, but it's still very slow and practically useless. This seems to happen with most masters that I load the latest duet firmware on, so maybe this latest fw needs some debugging.
Does anyone know a way to change the adminstrator password on a duet Netlinx master with the new firmware (3.21.343) without hooking up to the thing with a serial cable?
The web interface won't allow me to change it from there, and neither will Telnet. This master is running the latest Duet firmware (3.21.343). The non-duet and older duet (3.11.323) firmware is easy to update, just go to the admin user and the change password fields are there. The option simply isn't there on the newest Duet firmware. The pages are EXTREMELY slow on the latest firmware, as well -- almost completely unresponsive. I have my Duet memory jacked up from default (I have mine set at 6MB) as recommended in the tech note, but it's still very slow and practically useless. This seems to happen with most masters that I load the latest duet firmware on, so maybe this latest fw needs some debugging.
After speaking with AMX Tech support a moment ago, apparently the problems with 3.21.343 are a known issue. I requested the earlier 3.13.339 X100 Series firmware from them (it's not on the AMX website, only the X000 Series is) and am going to downgrade all our X100 series masters until this problem is fixed. I don't know if the issues affect the X000 processors in the same firmware release, since I have been using all 2100/3100 processors lately when this problem cropped up.
If anyone is having similar problems, you can request the older firmware from AMX and they will direct you to an FTP location to download it.
Hope this helps someone.
administrator password issue...
Login as guest and one moment it shows logged in as guest at the top, go to another page and it says your logged in as administrator : IE7 cache issues.
Also I had alarms that were triggered by highs IOs. When the system reboot with the new firmware 2000/3000/3100, the alarms are triggered in the program and an email is sent.
Reverting back.
I have not tried changing the administrator password through the programing serial port, which the documentation says you can do. That is really inconvenient when you have 65 system passwords that need to be changed over night.