Help With Error Messages
I am running into this every time a system running I Schedule tries to time-sync. I have I-Schedule let to the IP of the NIST-a server. Wha is this telling me?
9: 12-30-2006 SAT 17:14:29 Interpreter CIpEvent::OnError 0:3:7
10: 12-30-2006 SAT 17:14:29 Interpreter CIpEvent::OffLine 0:3:711: 12-30-2006 SAT 17:14:29 SocketManager CIpSocketMan::ProcessPLPacket - Socket Already Closed
12: 12-30-2006 SAT 17:14:29 Interpreter Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 3
13: 12-30-2006 SAT 17:14:28 Interpreter CIpEvent::OnLine 0:3:7
14: 12-30-2006 SAT 17:14:28 SocketManager Connected Successfully
Thank you.
I am running into this every time a system running I Schedule tries to time-sync. I have I-Schedule let to the IP of the NIST-a server. Wha is this telling me?
9: 12-30-2006 SAT 17:14:29 Interpreter CIpEvent::OnError 0:3:7
10: 12-30-2006 SAT 17:14:29 Interpreter CIpEvent::OffLine 0:3:711: 12-30-2006 SAT 17:14:29 SocketManager CIpSocketMan::ProcessPLPacket - Socket Already Closed
12: 12-30-2006 SAT 17:14:29 Interpreter Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 3
13: 12-30-2006 SAT 17:14:28 Interpreter CIpEvent::OnLine 0:3:7
14: 12-30-2006 SAT 17:14:28 SocketManager Connected Successfully
Thank you.
Put this in your ONERROR data event:
Put this function some where:
Here's the other function:
I don't know who originated these two functions but they are essential when doing IP communications.
Seems that the error is code 9, which means that a IP_CLIENT_CLOSE() is done but the IP connection is still closed. This is non critical but "not style guide"..... Some older modules are just closing or opening IP connects even though the connection is still closed/opened.
I have the same issue now
I have Max module and Lutron P5 module on the same master (both IP)
now I found that the max module generates the folowing messages:
Line 226 (12:12:21):: CIpEvent::OffLine 0:4:7
Line 227 (12:12:25):: Connected Successfully
Line 228 (12:12:25):: CIpEvent::OnLine 0:4:7
Line 229 (12:12:25):: Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 4
Line 230 (12:12:25):: CIpEvent::OffLine 0:4:7
Line 231 (12:12:29):: Connected Successfully
Line 232 (12:12:29):: CIpEvent::OnLine 0:4:7
Line 233 (12:12:29):: Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 4
Line 234 (12:12:29):: CIpEvent::OffLine 0:4:7
Line 235 (12:12:33):: Connected Successfully
Line 236 (12:12:33):: CIpEvent::OnLine 0:4:7
Line 237 (12:12:33):: Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 4
Line 238 (12:12:33):: CIpEvent::OffLine 0:4:7
Line 239 (12:12:37):: Connected Successfully
Line 240 (12:12:37):: CIpEvent::OnLine 0:4:7
Line 241 (12:12:37):: Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 4
Line 242 (12:12:37):: CIpEvent::OffLine 0:4:7
Line 243 (12:12:41):: Connected Successfully
Line 244 (12:12:41):: CIpEvent::OnLine 0:4:7
Line 245 (12:12:41):: Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 4
Line 246 (12:12:41):: CIpEvent::OffLine 0:4:7
Line 247 (12:12:45):: Connected Successfully
Line 248 (12:12:45):: CIpEvent::OnLine 0:4:7
This loop keep going on forever.
the real problem is that after some time the lutron module stop function...
I have 3 questions:
1. Can this error can cause other IP module to lose its connection?
2. Did someone seen this problem in Max module? its not my code..
3. I am trying to use vininv solution but gets no "ONERROR" for the ip device....
?are not error messages. They are ONLINE/OFFILINE messages for an IP device that is connecting and disconnecting successfully on port 4 every 4 seconds.
So any idea why lutron module is loosing the connection after few hours (only lutron)?
wait 50
SEND_COMMAND vdvLights, "'PROPERTY-IP_Address,'"
SEND_COMMAND vdvLights, "'PROPERTY-port,23'"
SEND_COMMAND vdvLights, "'PROPERTY-Login,amx,control'"
//SEND_COMMAND vdvLights, "'PROPERTY-Login,LutronGUI,jetski'"
SEND_COMMAND vdvLights, "'reinit'"
send_string 0, 'Netlinx Virtual Device ONLINE.'
wait 50
wait 5 SEND_COMMAND vdvLights,"'LUTRONKEYPADADD-1,[1:8:7]'" // salon
wait 10 SEND_COMMAND vdvLights,"'LUTRONKEYPADADD-2,[2:4:19]'" // virtual keypad of cinema
wait 15 SEND_COMMAND vdvLights,"'LIGHTADD-3,[1:1:0:7:3]'" // virtual keypad of cinema
wait 20 SEND_COMMAND vdvLights,"'LIGHTADD-4,[1:1:0:7:4]'" // virtual keypad of cinema
wait 25 SEND_COMMAND vdvLights,"'LIGHTADD-5,[1:1:1:1:3]'" // virtual keypad of cinema
// 1-5 preset, 10 off, 23,24 up down.
I would add the the online event: and create a buffer for the device and see for yourself what the problem may be.
Thanks Vav
I got this code from the supprot! so I didn't suspect that something can be wrong...
I will try "'PASSBACK-1'"