Browse in Internet
in AMX Hardware
Hello all,
I know that I can control a Modero 8400 from a PC by IP. But I would like to know if is possible to browse in internet from the Modero's screen, read and reply emails?
If is possible, how can I do it? How can I configure?
The navegation accurs in a Internet Explorer window?
Someone can help me?
Thank you very much
I know that I can control a Modero 8400 from a PC by IP. But I would like to know if is possible to browse in internet from the Modero's screen, read and reply emails?
If is possible, how can I do it? How can I configure?
The navegation accurs in a Internet Explorer window?
Someone can help me?
Thank you very much
For browsing you need a PC, either using the PC's desktop by the Panel's ComputerControl feature, or with the PCLink-Web application installed on the PC, so you can control Browser, keyboard and mouse from NetLinx code. You can also combine both ways.
For Email you can use the i!-Equipmentmonitor, which allows to send and receive emails directly with the NetLinx (but of course there's no direct way to see any images, files, etc). For this you need access to a POP3 and/or SMTP service, for example a client account on an Exchange server, or an account at a POP3/SMTP provider like GMX by giving the NetLinx access to the internet.
Hello Marc Schreiben,
I did what you had said. I got a Computercontrol stick. I made the steps of the datasheet, with the IP, ports, etc. But, on the screen of the Modero is the message : "connection failed password", I tried to solve the problem in the firewall of the windows, settings on the g4cc, etc. But I had saw in the AMX forums something about the VNC.
Does the g4computercontrol need the VNC program installed in the PC? Or something like this?
Do you know how can I solve this trouble?
Thank you very much
Yes, you need to install some manner of VNC server on the PC you are controlling, whether you use the one that AMX provides or a third party. There is one on the Computer Control memory stick, but I have not used it since the first release, so I don't recall how to set it up; I prefer RealVNC.
The G4CC stick includes a VNC server, no external tool is required (this was the destination of the stick, to have all the VNC stuff without installing on the PC).
To use the Stick solution, it's necessary to implement a module into your program. The Module is found on the stick in folder "module" and is named "cc-GuestPC.tko".
When using the stick, you can not run other VNC software the same time!
Thank you everybody ! You solved my problem.