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PTI card programing

Does anyone have experience with PTI cards I am trying to do a simple system with two motors and pots. I simply want to move the motors from one position to another. Not rocket science. When I use the send_command 1, ?G1L2452? I get a light in channel 1 for a few seconds and no movement on the motor. I have used a create_level in startup so I can see the pot return and all seems well there. I have spent the last 4 hours checking wiring and code. I am at a loss. Can anyone help?


  • The AXC-PTI requires a power supply hooked to pins 1&2.
    Do you have one hooked up?
  • Double check the power supply as Guy mentioned. Also, I assume you are aware of the voltage requirements of your motors, max amp draw, etc? If your motors draw more than x amps (I forget the number, it's in the manual.. I want to say 1.5), you could burn your card up. I'm currently controlling motors with a max draw closer to 8-10 amps and so am using an offboard h-bridge driver to handle it.

    I suggest hooking a multimeter to your power output instead of the motor, that way you can monitor voltage and see if the card is even working properly before trying with the actual motor.
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