AMX Matrix Audio

Im trying to find information on the Page In/Out functionality of the AMX Matrix piece. We are possibly looking to switch to this piece in some of our smaller installations. We always offer door bell throught the whole house audio system. Is the Page In triggered via contact closure or IR?? After the doorbell rings will the system revert to its previous zone states?? Can Level and Zones be preset on the Page IN?? I may not want all zones to trigger and I may want different Doorbell volume levels.
I don't have enough detail on the product yet to supply an answer, but I did notice the paging connector from the picture of the back panel.
From the installation manual it is documented to be a future feature. Perhaps it will be a be just a firmware upgrade and Matrix is still working on the functionality.
Please provide your wish list on how paging feature should function and we can forward your request to engineering.
Thanks for asking!
Well you asked for it. Here is my wish list for a Matrix Audio DAS-M0606.
1. Easy integration with AMX via RS-232 or IP. I may want to mix and match AMX Touchpanels and Keypads. As well as use the matrix keypads.
2. Some sort of intercom would be sweet. Utilizing an AMX inwall touchpanel like a cv-7. Im not looking for room to room intercom, just would like to intercom to a doorbell station. I'll gladly burn an input for this function.
3. Doorbell through audio system with preset recall. When the doorbell rings, I would like the control system to set a preset of inputs to outputs and levels saving the state before the doorbell rings. Ring the doorbell through the audio system, and then invoke the prior state preset to get everything back to normal. No fancy arrays tracking these states. Just a simple dynamic preset would be cool.
4. Level feedback (may already be there)??
Thats it for me, I can sell lots of these if I had this functionality.
Your feature list should be a given for the product to be competitive.
Now we need make it easy to integrate to your code with native NetLinx commands such as channels and levels.
I believe this would require either an embedded NetLinx master or a really good Duet module. If I had a choice I would vote for the embedded master to off load the processing from the main master.
Would you consider paying extra for a pre-programmed intelligent command translator? This would be similar to a Landmark SAM module.
A SAM module converted the device RS232 port to ICSNet (Phastlink) and included the protocol translation and device polling code.
Im not familiar with any of the landmark stuff, so Im not much help with that. For us the Matrix piece is to be speced in our "Builder Package". This is an entry level automation system which includes Multi-Room Audio and Lighting Control. This package is very strick as far as customization, and limited in its options and upgrades. Costs have to be kept down, while at the same time giving the builder the value and prestige of having and AMX control system his their homes.
From a programming stand point its all about reusable code. It needs to be simple.
ALL of our custom installs use AutoPatch and some flavor of amplifiers, but doorbell intercoms have always required a 3rd Party solution such as TNT or Elan utilizing the telephone system. I would like to get away from that, for these Builder Packages, minimizing required components that may fail.
It looks to me currently the Matrix line of products dont include this direct doorbell function. But if they did, you would have something I havnt found in any other products.
It would require the ability to directly wire a door station speaker to the Matrix piece, as well as a RCA input for intercom IN. And a couple of contact closure inputs would round it out. Maybe this could be designed as a card module, just like the DAS-AMFM. With contact closure and an Internal "Ding-Dong" sound any sort of microphone could be utilized to communicate with the door station, not just one in an In-Wall touchpanel.
Hope this is helpful in improving the product.