New Tp's w/ intercom!

Does any one know if any VOIP intercom product can interface with this new TP feature or if AMX is working on any other products that would make this feature really a "feature" and not just something that sounds good on paper but with no real applications and causes more problems than it solves.
From what I've read about this intercom feature, so far, it's only able to intecom w/ intercom capable TP's so you need the MVP-8400i or CV-7i. I've seen nothing that mentions the abiltiy to to interface w/ any third party divices from companies like Valcom or Digital Acoustics who already have VOIP intercom & phone systems. It may be simple to integrate with these devices but I don't know.
In a commercial application (colleges, etc.) where having a CV-7i or 8400i in every classroom is well with in the buget allowances that these large institutions can afford but in the residential market place, at least the way I see it now, this intercom abiltiy is useless. Unless we can interface with an exterior doors and rooms that can't afford the expense of a TP's where a DMS keypad would be more appropriate or possibly just a VOIP telephone system I don't see any potential in the residential market.
If I'm missing something let me know. I know this is a start in the right direction and eventually AMX will get there but what do we do in the mean time?
Can anything else interface with this? Do you guys at AMX got anything up your sleeve?
From what I've read about this intercom feature, so far, it's only able to intecom w/ intercom capable TP's so you need the MVP-8400i or CV-7i. I've seen nothing that mentions the abiltiy to to interface w/ any third party divices from companies like Valcom or Digital Acoustics who already have VOIP intercom & phone systems. It may be simple to integrate with these devices but I don't know.
In a commercial application (colleges, etc.) where having a CV-7i or 8400i in every classroom is well with in the buget allowances that these large institutions can afford but in the residential market place, at least the way I see it now, this intercom abiltiy is useless. Unless we can interface with an exterior doors and rooms that can't afford the expense of a TP's where a DMS keypad would be more appropriate or possibly just a VOIP telephone system I don't see any potential in the residential market.
If I'm missing something let me know. I know this is a start in the right direction and eventually AMX will get there but what do we do in the mean time?
Can anything else interface with this? Do you guys at AMX got anything up your sleeve?
If you guys in engineering haven't already looked at Digital Acoustics it seems that they would be a good OEM source for AMX branded IP intercom products.
What I _hope_ is happening is that AMX are working on getting their VOiP technology to integrate to the many and varied SAP server solutions out in the market place.
Voip panel to panel is GREAT, but it will really be adopted, at least in the commercial and large education institutions (read universities) when it can integrate to pre-existing voip exchanges (read Asterix, or Cisco et al ) in much the same way that clearone's ip phones do.
In summation, can I have an ETA oh gurus in the engineering dept
At least we're heading in the right direction!
I have 3 MVP-8400i on my desk right now. The intercom feature supports i to i panels only. Maybe SIP in the future? Works ok. I get intermittant issues like the speaker not turning on and then pressing any button and the sound mysteriously appears. Not sure if it is a network issue. Running accross many routers and gateways. Have not has the opportunity to test on a flat network with one WAP. The new 8400i panels have an audible "pop" everytime the speaker is initiated. Hopefully this can be fixed with a future firmware update.
I have several residential customers interested in the Intercom Technology, but they would really like it to integrate with other devices and personal computers as well. Does anyone know if the older Modero panels can be upgraded to the VoIP technology?