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MVP-8400i MPEG Streaming!

Has anyone had a chance to try the MPEG streaming capabilties of the new MVP-8400i and CV-7i ("i"series) panels. I assume this capability will open the door to a wider range of network cameras as well as a host of other possibilties.
"'^STM-<server URL>'"
server URL = <protocol://><host name or host ip><:video port><:optional audio port>
where protocol can be:
udp = MPEG2 transport stream over UDP
rtpmpeg2 = MPEG2 elementary stream over RTP/RTCP
rtpmpeg4 = MPEG4 elementary stream over RTP/RTCP
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^STM-rtpmpeg2://'"
Receives MPEG2 elementary video stream on port 5000 and audio stream on port 5002
from multicast address

Can I also assume that all other TPs will eventually be upgraded to the "i" series as well.


  • travtrav Posts: 188
    Interesting, I specifically asked AMX uk if the marketing spam in the brochure was correct and you could stream MPEG to the panels, rather than just the old MJPEG we all know and love.

    And I was told NO, it was a marketing error. Not having seen one of these myself I had to take it as I was told. But that extract looks GREAT, MPEG2-TS streaming in the same way as the VG series of panels... wirelessly! excellent (now we just have to wait for the G cards to be able to roam properly ^_^ ) Now we can provide some nice video streaming solutions into the panels with some mpeg encoders.

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