Matrix Volume levels on Modero TP
Is there a way to tie up the Matrix audio volume levels to the Modero Bargraphs? So, when the volume is changed on the Matrix it updates the Modero TP bargraph and vice-versa. I am trying to accomplish the same volume controls like the old AS16 and the new Autopatch levels. Usually on my house audio page I display all the room bargraphs so the end user can see the volume feedback for all zones, as well as adjust any single zone volume he/she wants. I want to do the same with the Matrix Audio. Any ideas? Thanks,
Add additional values for bass, treble, balance. That should take care of your bar graph display of current levels.
Next create duplicate bar graphs for each display bar graph and set level function to "active" and make the button transparent and place on top of its counter part. Make these bar graphs level codes 17-32.
Create a var array or individual vars to hold values of each "active bar graph" and do a CREATE_LEVEL in define_start to tie each bar graph to its corresponding variable.
Then do a Level_Event to handle pushes on the bar graph.
You could also try using LEVEL.VALUE instead of using created level variable. I like creating them.
I haven't done this in a while so this could be completely wrong but I think it's reasonably accurate.
SEND_LEVEL dvTP,1,nLevelVal
Monitor the Notifications window and you?ll see that the only time a level output is generated to the TP is when the value of nLevelVal changes.
Just food for thought?
I am new to the Matrix world. Does the Matrix automatically send you the volume level or do you wan to send volume level status.
I mean volume level status command
thank you for your quick response. does it do the same with AMX sending the RS232 codes.