MVP-8400 connectivity
in AMX Hardware
NI3100 / MVP-8400 / WAP200G / Netgear 4 ports hub
I was be able to ping the WAP, NI, the MVP setup page see the WAP correcty, the RF link, signal stregth all were excellent, but was not be able to connect to NI.
Be able to transfer file to NI (Studio) no problem, but the panel was not show on the workspace ( it was not communicated with the NI )
I have change different IP addresses, cable, reset the panel, WAP, but same result.
Any suggestion, all equipment was brand new out of the box.
I was be able to ping the WAP, NI, the MVP setup page see the WAP correcty, the RF link, signal stregth all were excellent, but was not be able to connect to NI.
Be able to transfer file to NI (Studio) no problem, but the panel was not show on the workspace ( it was not communicated with the NI )
I have change different IP addresses, cable, reset the panel, WAP, but same result.
Any suggestion, all equipment was brand new out of the box.
How are the System settings (setup->protected setup->system settings).?
Common way is to use:
Type: Ethernet
Mode: URL
Master IP/URL: <IP of Master>
Master Port Number: 1319
If any changes are done, don't forget to reboot the panel.
I did that as well, but still not be able to connect to master.
1) can the master ping the panel?
open a terminal or telnet connection to the master type PING <IP of panel><enter>
could take half a minute to get a response.
2) other direction - can the panel ping the master?
open a telnet connection to the panel, type PING <IP of master><enter>
could take half a minute to get a response.
3) can the master ping the WAP?
4) if the above works: any security enabled?
It is possible to encrypt the ICSP communication port. If it's enabled, the master, the panel and also NetLinx Studio need to be configured for that.
let's see....