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Yamaha RX-V2600 help

Does anyone have RS-232 protocol info, working code block, or working module for this receiver? I've been looking, and I've found a couple of references to the protocol doc via google, but the link doesn't go anywhere on Yamaha's site anymore. Also, I have a code block and module from the 2500 that I know work, but I can't get the 2600 to respond to anything using them. Thanks in advance for anything you guys have that may help.


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    I've got the RX-Vx700 series protocol if it will help. PM me and I'll e-mail it to you if you'd like.

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    Hope this is of help...

    I normally use the regular AMX module for the RX-V2500 and it works fine for most of the commands. Anything that doesn't, I use the PASSTHRU= command in the AMX module and insert whatever custom commands I need.

    I'm attaching the protocol for the 1600/2600. Let me know if you need help with it - we used to use a lot of these receivers, though now we have moved on to the 1700/2700 which also have slight differences from the usual protocol.

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    Thanks to both of you for the info you supplied. Oddly enough, I went back to this today and everything seemed to work as expected. Not really sure what the deal is, but I will keep the protocol docs handy in case it craps out again.
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    flcusatflcusat Posts: 309
    I'm having a similar issue with a RX-V2500 using the module from AMX. Apparently the problem is that the receiver is not giving feedback and the module expects the feedback from the receiver over a certain period of time. If I send a string to the receiver from Netlinx using Control a Device the receiver accepts the command without a problem. After testing with tech support without being able to solve the problem I just came to the conclusion that either the receiver is defective or there is a problem with the AMX module (I don't think there is a setting in the receiver itself that might cause this problem, is there?)
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