NI-3100 Not Excepting Ethernet Connection Completely
in AMX Hardware
We have a system with NI-3100 with 50 or so TPI/4 and Moderos.
It is not excepting all the connection attempts from the touch panels or from computers. Typically, all but a few connect to the Master.
The Ethernet traffic indicates the NI-3100 is not even responding to the new attempts to connect.
We have just replaced a ME-260/64 with this NI-3000. Everything connected correctly the ME-260/64.
Does anyone have a suggestion where to look for the problem?
It is not excepting all the connection attempts from the touch panels or from computers. Typically, all but a few connect to the Master.
The Ethernet traffic indicates the NI-3100 is not even responding to the new attempts to connect.
We have just replaced a ME-260/64 with this NI-3000. Everything connected correctly the ME-260/64.
Does anyone have a suggestion where to look for the problem?
(a) Is it switched on and showing a green LED pulse on the front?
(b) Is the network cable plugged in - are the yellow and green LEDs next to the network connection glowing?
(c) Does it respond to a serial connection?
(d) Does it have an IP address? - Try "GET IP" on the serial link
The Master works correctly with everyone that connects. We have seen everyone connect, but I can reboot a TP and it will not be able to reconnect.
After the Master has completely booted, the web interface will generally stop working.
I believe that I may be too close to the TCP connection limit. As I understand the limit is 200, but I believe the system actual starts have problem before 200. When I request the "max buffers", I see "TCP Connections TX=xx" were xx can be 184 to 192.
If we remove half the TPs and TPI/4s, the system doesn't have any problems.
a) yes
b) yes
c) yes
d) yes
No TP or TPI/4s changes
Most connect
I not sure, but I belive that TELNET and SSH connections count towards the 200 TCP limit.
Is this correct?
I believe so. Also NS2 while connected and I believe any other TCP/IP sockets that are open periodically by the master for what ever reason, rss feeds, time manager, etc. But most of those are short lived sessions.
CISCO 2950 with all of the ports nailed up to 100 FULL and all of the AMX devices are set to 100 FULL, too.
I had some problems with TP's who couldn't reconnect when there was a TP reboot. You have to configure the gateway !!!
1. I would definitely force them to 10m connection speed.
2. Confirm the NI gateway settings are intact. Connection issues caused by this not being done are to be expected.
I have verified every IP settings to confirm gateways, subnet masks, etc.
As for connection speed, every device was set to "AUTO" when it was originally installed using 3COM switches, but we had problems. We replaced the switches with CISCO 2950s and set every port and device to 100Mb and FULL. At this point, everything worked great and that was over two years ago.
Now, the system is crashing or locking up. The system will crash with a ME260/64 or NI-3100 master. The NI-3100 does run better, but it doesn't allow every touch panel device to connect into it.
The only know change to the system are upgrades to the software, but the software has been rolled back to earlier versions to verify to the crash are not related to it.
We can't find any failed equipment, but some could be present.
Also, we could have changes to the system that we don't know about.
Next I would run Ethereal or similar network analyzer and see whose talking what and whose responding with what.
Telnet into the master and change the settings that Joe listed in the quote I re-posted. At least the set UDP broadcast rate to OFF & Route mode to direct and try again. If everything is set to URL this isn't needed anyway unless equipment set to "Auto & maybe Listen Master connection modes". Maybe these settings were different on the ME260 and you hadn't check them.