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Disable External Buttons

Is there not a way to disable the hard buttons via code? When creating a TP file, I create one file per panel type, and then in code distinguish which panel was hit and send the appropriate popup, page, etc. I've tried assigning the hard buttons a variable text address so I can send the "^ENA" command to try and disable them, but it didn't work. They're volume buttons, so they're channels 24 & 25, and those buttons are also on the TP screen.

Short of creating a new file, are there any other options? Has anyone tried this before?


  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I generally disable volume buttons when a system isn't on just to prevent the volume bar popup I use from appearing. I just trap the button event:
    BUTTON_EVENT[dvTP, mVolumeButtons]
         PUSH :
            IF(nSystemMode <> SYSTEM_OFF)    // SYSTEM_OFF being one of my standard CONSTANT values
                 { // do volume control and popup management here
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Errr - sorry!! I failed to get into details as to why I'm trying to disable the hard buttons only because I want them to be a page flip only. The volume control will still be on the panel...

    I dunno, perhaps I'm making this too complex. I guess I could make it simple and change the button numbers and be done with it. Grrr - here's me again making a mountain out of an ant hill.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    jjames wrote:
    ?I'm trying to disable the hard buttons only because I want them to be a page flip only.
    Have you tried these SEND_COMMANDs?
    1) ^CPF ? clear all page flips from a button
    2) ^APF ? add page flip action to a button if it doesn?t already exist
    3) ^DPF ? delete page flip from a button if it already exists.
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