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Email from NI3000

Dear all,

We are facing a challange in our project which we can solve.

We need to send often an email from a NI3000 including its Public IP for our remote control of the customer system.

Then, we have two questions:

1) How to do in the programming for to seach the Public IP?

2) Is it possible to send email from the NI3000?

Can someone help us?

Thank you in advance


  • Chip MoodyChip Moody Posts: 727
    The i!-EquipmentMonitor package on AMX's site will let you send emails from a Netlinx master.

    You can use IP_CLIENT_OPEN and HTTP commands to connect to something like checkip.dyndns.org and get your public IP. In fairness to dyndns.org, you probably shouldn't use that UNLESS you have a dyndns.org account. (In which case you wouldn't be needing to email yourself the IP address in the first place) :) I'm sure there are other websites you can ping to find out what the public IP address is - your client's ISP might even have one of their own.

    - Chip
  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    How about whatismyip.com :p
  • Or you can check the header in the e-mail you send yourself and most of the time that will show the IP address where the e-mail originated (except if you use something like aol).
    Then you don't have to unfairly utilize someone's free service for commercial purposes.

    I remember a situation where we had issues with a Dynamic DNS service so we set up the router on site to e-mail logs to us on a daily basis just in case. We just checked the IP address in the e-mail that we sent ourselves and that allowed us to log in to the Netlinx controllers on site.

  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Chip Moody wrote:
    In fairness to dyndns.org, you probably shouldn't use that UNLESS you have a dyndns.org account.
    With out setting up a paid account you can have 5 clients using this service but you need to update the service once a month and verify it still needs to be active. For (I think) $10.00 a year you can set up a paid account that allows 20 clients and requires no maintenance. This you could bury in the cost of the of the job or even charge an annual fee to provide and administer this service.
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