Can't find the Netlinx Client in the system admin(/RMS/admin/management/systems.aspx)
Dear all,
We had installed the RMS module into our NI2100 and had established the tcp connection between RMS server and NI2100 through port 3839, however, we still can't find the NI2100 in the systems management page. Please refer to the attachment for detail. Thanks in advance for your help.
Dacoms Taiwan
We had installed the RMS module into our NI2100 and had established the tcp connection between RMS server and NI2100 through port 3839, however, we still can't find the NI2100 in the systems management page. Please refer to the attachment for detail. Thanks in advance for your help.
Dacoms Taiwan
Dear all,
After changing to English the Language for non-Unicode programs setting of Regional and Language Options in the Control Panel. Now we can see the NI-2100 in the Hotlist. However, we found the following three problems in the RMS Hotlist page as listed below:
1. Traditional Chinese Title can?t be displayed
2. The ?Detection Time? in the Unassigned NetLinx Systems was wrong.
3. Chinese Weekday can't be fully displayed
Since RMS supported only ?Simplified Chinese?, we had created ?Traditional Chinese? resource files in the web tree folders to make the web pages display in Traditional Chinese as you can see in the screen shot attached, however, the RMS title is specified in an ini file out of the web site and can?t be set through resource files.
Please help to advice.
1.) Web Page title.
This page title is coming from the RMS Services. The RMS Services are not localized and use an ASCII based configuration file for storage on this data.
We will provide an alternative property in the web.config file to override the default title in the next release of RMS.
2.) Calendar Days
The translation on this calendar is wrong, we will look into this issue and see if we can get it fixed in a future release.
3.) Wrong Detection Time in the HotList.
We have attempted to reproduce this problem but were unable to replicate it.
Please contact AMX International Technical Support to get these problems into an open case. That way you will be advised immediately and receive assistance in reproducing the timestamp issue in the HotList.