R4 Shipped
in AMX Hardware
I see the R-4 remotes finally shipped! Anyone used a shipping one yet? Ours shows up Thursday. We are mostly residential so I am very excited for this product.
All I can say is, programming with USB isn't nearly as fun...
Other than the USB file xfer what's your general impression of the device so far?
Is USB the only option for uploading?
Maybe ZigBee can used. But it's too slow.
I can use USB to upload demo file, but this file didn't include images and slots.
Anybody know how to get complete file?
I'm installing on a job next week and am interested in hearing other experiences. Off the bat my reaction is good. I only have a couple issues.
- Don't like programming through USB
- There doesn't seem to be a way to turn the screen off without it going offline. This is an issue because it takes a little bit (~2 secs) for it to come back online once it's awakened. I would love to see a firmware upgrade that would allow you to control the screen without killing the radio.
But overall it's a sweet product. Can't wait to finish it up.
Now for the crying:
Because I'm spoiled by wi-fi uploading, the pain of USB uploading is annoying. You have to reset the communication and then reboot the R4 every time you need to upload changes and than reset and reboot to get back to wireless.
For me the big issue is that the R4 falls offline every time if goes to sleep.
I write code to reload all needed data whenever a panel comes back online. With the R4 having a maximum setting of 30 seconds before falling offline, the program is always reloading online startup data over and over.
And I need ListBox tutorial!
I have identified some problmes with the Virtual NetLinx Master connection but it has been solved following one of the AMX TN. This point was related with the AMX USB LAN driver.
Good luck!
Please keep in mind, I never said that the R4 does not work as it was designed. I said, it has a few short comings with the design. I really like this remote and I know it's going to be a huge seller for AMX, I just want to make it better!