Can I program in Netlinx or do I have to use Access for this box?
How do I define the device in my netlinx code?
I've never use AXLink, how do I configure the Device number, and which port is the AXLink bus?
I'm connecting to a NI3100.
Also can I activate the motion sensor/auto brightness on the TP4's from code on my NI3100?
How do I get the color from the embedded colourpick interface on my TP4 to my NI3100?
And is it possible to send an automatic e-mail from the ni3100?
How do I define the device in my netlinx code?
I've never use AXLink, how do I configure the Device number, and which port is the AXLink bus?
I'm connecting to a NI3100.
Also can I activate the motion sensor/auto brightness on the TP4's from code on my NI3100?
How do I get the color from the embedded colourpick interface on my TP4 to my NI3100?
And is it possible to send an automatic e-mail from the ni3100?
Not sure on these, but if you check in Software History (or the new AMX-PI) it should list all commands you can send to the touchpanels.
I assume you are refering to getting the HEX code for the color so you can change colors via your program. The color pick tool lists the Hex code in the lower right portion of the window. Also, if you look at the button properties, the HEX code is after the color name in ( ).
The i!-Equipment-Monitor app provides the ability to send and receive emails. You can use this code to send email from your program as needed. You can send emails when a device comes online, goes offline, when a button is held, or whatever other condition you want to track.
Hope this helps,
I meant the color in hex or any format really, but I wanted to know the values from the ColorPicker on the touch panel as it's modified, at runtime, not from TPDesign4, which I guess is what you thought I meant.
I look where you asked and thanks for all the other help you gave.
Will let you know on what AMX gets back to me with regards to getting colour values out of the colour picker, back to the code.
// Edit : Should really check to see if people have replied first ^_^
I've flirted with the idea of writing code that uses the levels to do the color pick function on the NI3100 and pass the hexcolor value back to the Panel, but this just seems superfluous, when the functionality is on the TP. I want to use it for coloured lighting control via the DMX512, but I want multiple colour configurations stored in the NI3100's memory for recall.
Depending on what you use automatic e-mail we wrote a module that allows you to send SMS from Modero Panels to a GSM phone (it's delivered in just few seconds
So, I just used an internal Panel command on a button to grab the colour from the slider (I just hacked the Take not template from VA) so you drag the joystick, choose the hue from the slider, and then press the pick button which has a loopback command of ^BMC-200,0,0,93,1,CF to match the colour of the slider.
Then this is my code block :
CUSTOM_EVENT[dvTP,200,1012] // Fill Color
Send_String 0,"'TEXT =',CUSTOM.TEXT"
SEND_COMMAND dvTP,"'?BCF-200,0'"
Works with a Soundlight PMX/DMX interface card.