Trouble with Keypad Entry
Posts: 549
I'm not getting any kind of text string back from my keypad. On a page, I've got button defined as:
Type = general
Channel Port = 0
Channel Code = PageFlip: Keypad
I've got a keypad pasted into the system from the system template. I press the button and get the keypad to pop up, but when I enter text and press Done on the keypad, I don't see any string being sent to the controller.
I tried the type as "text entry" but that didn't give me any string to the controller either.
I think it's a problem with the definition of the button that provokes the keypad, but I can't figure out what. Any pointers out there?
Type = general
Channel Port = 0
Channel Code = PageFlip: Keypad
I've got a keypad pasted into the system from the system template. I press the button and get the keypad to pop up, but when I enter text and press Done on the keypad, I don't see any string being sent to the controller.
I tried the type as "text entry" but that didn't give me any string to the controller either.
I think it's a problem with the definition of the button that provokes the keypad, but I can't figure out what. Any pointers out there?
Well... you can get string from keypads for example on different ports but in that case you have not to use predefined keyboards functions of Modero but setup a string in button and then you can setup a port for it Main inconvenient is more program work needs to be done to manage it that way
I don't even know how to start troubleshooting. Anyone got any hints or help?
It's completely normal, panel won't return strings to master so long you did not declare in program DATA_EVENT on touch panel with string keyword in it, you can let it empty without anything, reload program in master and then you'll see incoming strings arrive in notifications
Hope it helps
OK. Normal, but confusing to me. I see everything else in device notifications whether or not I've trapped for it. I sure wouldn't mind being able to see the string come across before having to program for it. I feel like I'm throwing darts in the dark.
Well it's a conception choice in AMX systems, and it was already like that with previous systems (Axcess), it avoids to saturate master of system with bunchs of messages if you get some noisy RS ports. So the port sends strings it receives to master only if it's requested