Correct learned IR file won?t work
in AMX Hardware
I?m trying to control my Sony TV set via IR.
My TV is an older video monitor (TV without a tuner) the model is KX-27PS1.
First I tried out about hundred Sony IR files - either they did not work at all on my TV or these files were not the right ones.
In most cases, the code for "POWER" did take no effect but if I sent "VOL+", the indicator LED of the TV starts blinking. "VOL-" did also take no effect.
I asked an AMX programmer here in my town, for learning my remote codes.
Everything seemed to be o.k. but at home, the code did not work (the indicator blinks at "VOL+" only).
If I attach the IR emmitter to my Sony A/V receiver, I can control some of the functions (POWER, VOL+, VOL-, MUTE) with the IR code of the TV!?!?
If I use the remote of the TV, I can?t control the A/V receiver.
I?m sure, it?s no problem of the emitter. I tried several on them.
I also swapped the TV code to other IR ports.
My system is an old Axcent?, my remote for the TV is RM-611.
The RM-611 is no muliple device remote. It offers only TV functions
I fear, my Axcent? is changing something on the code.
Did somebody have an issue like this before?
Any help appreciated.
Many thanks.
I?m trying to control my Sony TV set via IR.
My TV is an older video monitor (TV without a tuner) the model is KX-27PS1.
First I tried out about hundred Sony IR files - either they did not work at all on my TV or these files were not the right ones.
In most cases, the code for "POWER" did take no effect but if I sent "VOL+", the indicator LED of the TV starts blinking. "VOL-" did also take no effect.
I asked an AMX programmer here in my town, for learning my remote codes.
Everything seemed to be o.k. but at home, the code did not work (the indicator blinks at "VOL+" only).
If I attach the IR emmitter to my Sony A/V receiver, I can control some of the functions (POWER, VOL+, VOL-, MUTE) with the IR code of the TV!?!?
If I use the remote of the TV, I can?t control the A/V receiver.
I?m sure, it?s no problem of the emitter. I tried several on them.
I also swapped the TV code to other IR ports.
My system is an old Axcent?, my remote for the TV is RM-611.
The RM-611 is no muliple device remote. It offers only TV functions
I fear, my Axcent? is changing something on the code.
Did somebody have an issue like this before?
Any help appreciated.
Many thanks.
However, it sounds to me like it was not captured right. Some remotes are just plain tricky, and if the IRIS locked on to too short a portion of the signal, it may have verified even though the whole thing wasn't captured. This is far more likely to happen on "hold to repeat" type buttons than the kind you just tap to use. The only solution to that is to recapture it.
Sony tends to use the same codes in all their TV's. Probably any Sony TV IR file will work for you.
thank you for the reply.
I did not really understand this command (I know some Axcess basics).
My IR emitter for the TV is attached to IR port #2 (device #7 on the Axcent2).
The IR channel for "POWER" is channel #9.
If I want to send "POWER" to my TV, I use this code:
In my oppinion, SEND_COMMAND TV,"'CTON',3" would send a serial string. Wouldn?t it?
Thank you for your patience.
It would send a command to the output port to change its behaviour.
Try the attached .IRL file. I am almost 100% certain it matches that set.
Also, I have never had to shorten the ir burst length for Sony TVs, so I suggest the first thing you try a standard 'pulse', not a 'to'.
A more preferable method which will stop potential 'crashing' of cmds (multiple cmds being sent to the port at the same time by your code) is:
send_command tv,"'SP',tv_ch2"
Also, you can achieve a discrete power control by using and channel number and only using the POWER cmd to turn it off.
*edit* seems I can't send .irl in native here's a zipped flavour.
many thanks for the file.
Unfortunatelly, it shows the same behavior like all sony codes I tried out until now.
I can control my A/V receiver (POWER, VOL+, VOL- and MUTE) with tihs file, but this code dosen?t work on my TV.
I found out an other strange thing:
It seems as my Axcent2 is sending the codes for POWER, VOL+, VOL- and MUTE only.
If I check this codes with IREdit, the indicator LED for the IR port blinks while sending these four codes only.
I also tried different pulse times (on "Actuate" function of IREdit) - with no effect for my TV, the receiver is still controlable regardless of pulse times of 1-50.
I?m not really sure, how to send the CTON to my controller. I tried it via terminal but I did get no acknowledge from the Axcent2.
Neither SEND_STRING 7, "'CTON',3" nor SEND_COMMAND 7, "'CTON',3" worked.
I also tried two versions of IREdit ( and
I?ve got no idea, what?s wrong...
P.S.: Thanks to Mark for the hint.
It seems, the files weren?t uploaded properly. Don?t know why.
I choosed a completely different file (Philips CD Player), loaded it up to my IR port.
Then I re-overrided it again by my learned sony file.
Now it works.
Many thanks to all for the help.
I was going to suggest that you fill the port up with a different file to 'flush' it - but you're on to it already!
Glad to be of assistance.