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Problem to establish connection

I?m working remotely with NI 2000, a week ago; I lost communication with the master while I was transmitting. Someone reboot the master but the problem persists. When I try to send code, it begins to be discharged but finally, the connection ends and the code is not discharged. I think, could be a problem with actualization of the windows XP, this same problem has been happening to other programmers in different computers and with different code. I hope that someone can help me because I loose communication with 4 masters and I really need some tip or help.


  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    It sounds like it might have run out of memory. Is there anything in the program that writes to the flash drive? If there is not enough space to download the new code, it will abort without any kind of indication why. And of course, with memory that low, it very possible to lock the running program up as well. It may also just be an older master that is limited in memory in the first place ... some modules are notorious space eaters. i!-Schedule comes to mind - it is a huge memory hog, especially if you have a lot of events.

    Telnet in and do a "show mem." Make sure there is more disc space available than the code you are trying to load. If there is not, do "list" to see what is eating up the space.
  • hi DHawthorne

    just for info: beware of dafranro. he want's only some codes, but you never receive some help from him or any thanks! (see his postings...)

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