Posts: 4,368
Why does get_buffer_char(buffer) act differently than get_buffer_string(buffer,1). It boggles my mind that in the below code I need double quote around the get_buffer_char but not the get_buffer_string(buffer,1). I would prefer not using the double quotes at all but if I do at least reiquire them consistently for any single char return. You would think that get_buffer_char would acutally call the the system function get_buffer_string and just pass it the parameter of 1.
{ STACK_VAR INTEGER nTT_PWR ; STACK_VAR INTEGER nTT_Cntry ; STACK_VAR INTEGER nTT_Zone ; STACK_VAR INTEGER nTT_ST_Mono ; STACK_VAR INTEGER nTT_FM_AM ; STACK_VAR INTEGER nTT_Mute ; STACK_VAR CHAR cTT_FirmWare[3] ; STACK_VAR CHAR cTT_FreQ[6] ; STACK_VAR CHAR cTT_Preset[2] ; STACK_VAR CHAR cRDS_Z_NAME[8] ; sRcvdStatMSG.StrLenght = atoi(get_buffer_string(iString,2)) ; if(find_string(iString,"END_STAT_MSG",1) == (sRcvdStatMSG.StrLenght + 1)) { nTT_PWR = atoi("get_buffer_char(iString)") ; nTT_Cntry = atoi("get_buffer_char(iString)") ; nTT_Zone = atoi(get_buffer_string(iString,1)) ; nTT_ST_Mono = atoi("get_buffer_char(iString)") ; nTT_FM_AM = atoi("get_buffer_char(iString)") ; nTT_Mute = atoi(get_buffer_string(iString,1)) ; cTT_FirmWare = get_buffer_string(iString,3) ; cTT_FreQ = get_buffer_string(iString,6) ; cTT_Preset = get_buffer_string(iString,2) ; cRDS_Z_NAME = get_buffer_string(iString,8) ; if(find_string(iString,"END_STAT_MSG",1) == 1) {//everything apparently OK so load structure. sRcvdStatMSG.Power = nTT_PWR ; sRcvdStatMSG.Cntry = nTT_Cntry ; sRcvdStatMSG.Zone = nTT_Zone ; sRcvdStatMSG.ST_Mono = nTT_ST_Mono ; sRcvdStatMSG.FM_AM = nTT_FM_AM ; sRcvdStatMSG.Mute = nTT_Mute ; sRcvdStatMSG.FirmWare = cTT_FirmWare ; sRcvdStatMSG.FreQ = cTT_FreQ ; sRcvdStatMSG.Preset = cTT_Preset ; sRcvdStatMSG.RDS_Z_Name = cRDS_Z_NAME ; CLEAR_BUFFER iString ; RETURN TRUE ; } } CLEAR_BUFFER iString ; RETURN FALSE ; //something is wrong, so clear_buffer and abort structure loading. }
I suggest that you grit your teeth, ignore the frustration, and simply put double quotes around every string expression in your code that could conceivably be a single character in your mind or the compiler's mind. I think.
Yup, that's pretty much it. After a while, it becomes second nature.
GET_BUFFER_CHAR returns a CHAR not a CHAR[1]. So the return value does not have length and is not a char array. ATOI needs a CHAR array. By adding the quotes around GET_BUFFER_CHAR you are actually creating a CHAR array via concatenation. Now ATOI is happy.
// System Function Declerations