Source usage
Gday all,
I'm working on source tracking with RMS, and have the following paradigm.
A row of 5 source buttons to select a source. (PC, Laptop, DVD, VCR, DocCamera.)
Two data projectors which can show any source, irrespective of what the other projector is showing. Each projector can be independently blanked.
One button for each projector, effectivly acting like a "take" button on a matrix switcher.
The usual process for displaying a source would be:
1 - Select the desired source from the row of sources.
2 - Specify which projector to show it on via "take" button.
I am trying to obtain source tracking for the 5 sources, to see what proportion of time they are being used (either on one or both projectors). When a projector is blanked, the Source Usage timer should consider that the equipment is not being used. (I'm interested more in behavioural use rather than an equipment odometer.)
Should I create a virtual device for the PC & Laptop, and try to shoe-horn the RMSTransportMod onto the virtual, or should I be using the RMSSrcUsage module instead? Given that my DVD & VCR are IR controlled I can't get any real transport feedback. I was hoping to track their usage in the same manner as PC, Laptop & DocCamera.
Any thoughts / guides appreciated.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
I'm working on source tracking with RMS, and have the following paradigm.
A row of 5 source buttons to select a source. (PC, Laptop, DVD, VCR, DocCamera.)
Two data projectors which can show any source, irrespective of what the other projector is showing. Each projector can be independently blanked.
One button for each projector, effectivly acting like a "take" button on a matrix switcher.
The usual process for displaying a source would be:
1 - Select the desired source from the row of sources.
2 - Specify which projector to show it on via "take" button.
I am trying to obtain source tracking for the 5 sources, to see what proportion of time they are being used (either on one or both projectors). When a projector is blanked, the Source Usage timer should consider that the equipment is not being used. (I'm interested more in behavioural use rather than an equipment odometer.)
Should I create a virtual device for the PC & Laptop, and try to shoe-horn the RMSTransportMod onto the virtual, or should I be using the RMSSrcUsage module instead? Given that my DVD & VCR are IR controlled I can't get any real transport feedback. I was hoping to track their usage in the same manner as PC, Laptop & DocCamera.
Any thoughts / guides appreciated.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
You can use the amx devices from the “i!-ConnectLinxStdFunctionList.xls” or create your own as I did here in the RMSMain.axi.
This is all you need to add in your MAIN.axs file. RMS will do the rest.
Your references to i!-ConnectLinx got me on the right track. When initially reading through the RMS Programmer documentation I skipped the chapter on "Upgrading from v1.0" since I'm starting out with v3.0. As luck would have it, that chapter gives quite a nice description of the changes between v1 & v2. The section on "Source Usage & Multiple Displays" was particularly useful in my situation.
Out of curiosity, are there any guidelines with channel allocations for the vdvCLActions? Am I free to use whatever I want? Are 0-999 reserved for anything in particular?
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
Hi Roger.
AMX Aust can give you the complete list of Connectlinx parameters. There's a partial list in the RMS Programmer's Guide somewhere from memory.
...Phil Dunn
I'd like to put all my IDs into a suitable range that will not be encroached upon by the AMX Standard Action List (SAL) in future revisions. Currently I am picking small ranges within the SAL range (1001 - 1887) that are not currently utilised. It's working fine for my purposes - I just don't want it to cause subtle problems later on if the SAL is enhanced to use the "spare" IDs that I'm currently using...
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
Another tip - to track multiple sources, don't forget to set set RMSSetMultiSource(TRUE). That will capture true select time for all sources regardless of which projector is used. Otherwise sources are treated as mutually exlcusive & you'll get inaccurate data.
Source usage can never be treated as precision data. There are too many variables especially with IR-controlled devices - eg user pressed play or stop on the DVD, not the panel. Or the user presses Laptop then walks out of the theatre leaving everything running for hours.
The best you can hope for is approximate - but still useful - figures. But don't tell management they are anything but accurate!!
(Brisbane, Oz)
Yeah, I thought about the IR controlled issue. My approach is to track the source that I'm sending to the projector rather than transport. Given that we have blanking available on both our projectors, I'm taking the approach that lecturers won't want to show a huge blue screen (no sync) for extended periods of time. Looking at my past logs they tend to blank the projector if they don't want it on. (When a projector is blanked, my SourceSelect turns off that channel in ConnectLinx, so I'm not counting blank-minutes.) When a projector is blanked for 15 minutes, it is automatically turned off by the AMX master.
Oh, and as for people leaving the system running, I've got PIRs in the rooms. If there is no movement for 2 hours, a "Confim shutdown" appears on the touch panel. If it is not confirmed or cancelled within 5 mintues, the system shuts down everything. (2 hours is suitable for a long media class where they are sitting very still watching a movie.) I've also got a midnight shutdown (time synced), with no confirmation.
Thanks for your tips.
Roger McLean.
Swinburne University.