TV One
Is there anyone out there that would have a code block or example of string commands for the TVOne C2-7100 Switcher scaler. There RS-232 manual is to cryptic for me to figure it out.
usually a good approach is to call tech people from the manufacturer if the manual is not clear. otherwise, use a pc software (if available) who connects to a device using RS-232 and try to find out, what the device sends. maybe you can figure out sth.
The code isn't that bad.I don't have it with me or I would send it. If you call them though,they can send you already written amx code which will make your life very easy.
They also send an example in word of the code.
It is somewhat complicated,but if you have worked with hex a lot it should be no problem.
Seth C.Olle
Failing that TVONE are good enough to do PC control programs for those scalers. Just download one, find the command you need and it will generate the string for you. If I remember correctly, 00 can also be used inplace of check sum if you don't want to have to work it all out!!
Usually. I have a PDF downloaded from a manufacturer's site for a control protocol. The PDF was generated by scanning the physical manual (which I can't seem to get). A key page is so badly scanned that you essentially have a faded white table with borders, but no data in it. I informed them years ago that the on-line documentation was bad, and they still haven't fixed it.
[46][34][34][31][30][34][31][30][30][38][32][30][30][30][30][31][30][32][37][0D] - RGB/YUV
[46][34][34][31][30][34][31][30][30][38][32][30][30][30][30][33][30][34][37][0D] - Composite
[46][34][34][31][30][34][31][30][30][38][32][30][30][30][30][31][32][32][39][0D] - DVI
These work for C2 series scalers