^RFRP Command

I just got my first MVP-8400i and decided to give the animated Radar a try again since this has increased RAM capacity. I wasn't having any luck and didn't find anything new in the PI or Software History for the 8400i so I decided to check out the manual for the 8400i online and found this new command.
With this new command inplace of the previous command I was using to force a refresh (^RFR) it now works rather well. If you look at the example code you can see that this usage was likely the pupose for its creation.
Now I'm a happy camper!
Syntax: ??^RFRP-<resource name>?? Variable: resource name = 1 - 50 ASCII characters. Example: SEND_COMMAND Panel, ??^RFRP-DoplerRadarDFW?? Performs an update or prefetch on the resource named ?DoplerRadarDFW?, even if the image is not in the current view.
With this new command inplace of the previous command I was using to force a refresh (^RFR) it now works rather well. If you look at the example code you can see that this usage was likely the pupose for its creation.
Now I'm a happy camper!
This never used to work because there wasn't enough RAM memory available to load and refresh the screen fast enough to make this nice and smooth and continuous. There used to be blank time between the images loading, etc. Now it works pretty darn well and I am quite happy w/ the results! And apparently part of the problem was that the ^RFR command would only refresh the dynamic image if that image was presently being displayed (I never knew that) but this new command will refresh these images regardless. This is important because you want to refresh these images prior to displaying them so that they are already completely downloaded and available for display. The refresh rate in TPD4 is set to 0 so that you control and force the refresh in the code when appropriate.
I'm starting to work on Satellite images for visible, IR & water vapor animations (user selectable) presently to see how that looks.
just an idea:
wouldn't it be possible to save the images on the ftp somehow and use a multistate button, for the animation using the ^ANI- Command?
or open several popups on top of each other each one with one picture?
maybe i'm saddling the horse from behind....
Trying to download the image as an animation runs or ftp it from the master or popping up pages is to slow to accomplish a smooth animation.
What I'm doing now works nearly perfect, at least as far as I'm concerned.
My radar animation which uses the command apparently works fine, it updates on command and the animation is near perfect. Of course I'm just refreshing the same files.
My Satellite animation which as far as the amimation goes works fine until I needed to update the view to a different region. Using the ^RMF command in conjunction with the ^RFRP command I thought would work but files mostly just don't get refreshed except for the last file.
Because I was changing filenames using the ^RMF command I had no way of knowing if these commands were actually working. There just doesn't seem to be any means to verify if the filename was changed. Panel FTP would be nice! So I figured I'd just download the images to the master where I can verify content and filenames and I can download all the new images with changing filenames to fixed file names on the master so I wouldn't need the ^RMF. Set the URL/path/filename in the panel resource manager to the fixed filenames in the master and everything was supposed to work perfect. Well that part does its just when I send the ^RFRP command to refresh and retrieve the new pics it doesn't. Same old thing. I send an individual refresh command after each individual file is downloaded and then later when everything is complete another group of refresh commands and I get nothing.
Even if I use "control device" in NS2 and put a frame on the animation in focus using the ^ANI command and then ^RFRP-current frame image it doesn't work.
The bummer is that with all the pictures loaded on the TP the animation looks pretty cool and I have an overall Sat image of the US with 22 clear bubble buttons for the various regional SAT images that are available so I can select any specific area and if my images would refresh like they should with the ^RFRP command I could move on to important things instead of going around in circles chasing my own tail.
Note: Radar pics that work average 35k, the SAT pics that don't average 100k but I don't think this has any bearing on the problem.
I've attached the overall US Sat view with temp buttons to get the code working or should I say attempt to get things working.
I would have thought that a refresh rate of "0" would be the logical choice and ideally the setting the ^RFRP command was designed for. I gues "0" means don't refresh what so ever, although sometimes the in focus image did.
Is it supposed to be this hard? Detailed documentation would be so helpful!