Tricky IR control - behind screen?
Hey guys,
Some of you may be familiar with how many big screens have the IR receiver actually behind the screen. This works great for the remote controls, but I can't get my IR emitter to work. How to you guys handle this type of thing? Of course theres no external IR port or serial port...
Thanks guys,
Some of you may be familiar with how many big screens have the IR receiver actually behind the screen. This works great for the remote controls, but I can't get my IR emitter to work. How to you guys handle this type of thing? Of course theres no external IR port or serial port...
Thanks guys,
Here's a list of faults I've experienced with solutions:
(a) Flasher polarity wrong. Try one that you know works.
(b) Flasher position wrong. Try holding it away from the unit.
(c) IR file absent or wrong. Reload it, and watch the LED while you pulse some of the odd codes in higher numbers.
Thanks Mark...
Cell phones are getting more handy by the day - using the camera on my phone I can definitely see the emitter blinking. In fact, the same emitter, loaded with a different IRL controls another component just fine. I think the tricky part is that the receiver is actually behind the front screen (it's a rear-projection set) and for some reason the emitter is not powerful enough to get through (which makes sense - an emitter at the same distance as a remote will not work).
Just wondering if anyone had any creative tricks to overcome this if they've come across it before. I'm thinking I'll need some sort of higher power emitter.
Here's wishing I bought the non-Best Buy model with the RS232 port...Doh...
Of course I still despise Samsung and would never buy one of these units for myself for the pure fact that ALL of the units I've worked on have sported serial ports on the back that didn't provide any kind of control function. Samsung support was pretty deplorable as well.
- Chip
Got it in the other day, works great - thanks!
I may give this a try at some point, luckily the emitter isn't very bothersome as-is. Thanks!