RMS Migration issue DB conversion
I'm having problems getting the DB conversion to work. I'm moving from 2.1 to 3.0. The 2.1 database is in Access format. When I point the installation wizard to the mdb database it correctly identifies it and starts to work fine. In the process I get two error messages one for "out of memory" and the other is a file fault read. A database get created on the SQL (2005) server but its empty. I've tried various things on the DB wizard to no avail. Using DB wizard I've exported on 2.1 but I can't find a way to convert the xml file to 3.0 so the I can import the data on 3.0. By the way this is not only an upgrade but a server migration. I've copied the old database to the new server to run the install process.
Is there an easy way to migrate 2.1 to SQL 2005 and then let 3.0 upgrade that?
Is there an easy way to migrate 2.1 to SQL 2005 and then let 3.0 upgrade that?
I'm trying the alternative approach as it is clear the Database Wizard for 3.0 can't handle the a large MDB file. I'm thinking its because it has 3 years of data from 40 rooms. So far I've managed to migrate 2.1 to SQL2005. That, however, took the 2.1 wizard 4 full days to complete. By the way the XML file from this database is over 200MB and the final SQL database is over 80MB.
There is an updated RMS 3.0 Database Wizard that addresses conversion issues on large MDB files. This updated version will be included in the next release of RMS. You can obtain it now from AMX Technical Support.
Thank You.
Hi Robert & all.
I experienced a similar problem - even with build 3.0.26 (latest of website). The system has 253 rooms, so the database is pretty big.
Originally we suspected insufficient RAM in the server, so increased it to 3GB - still crashes with an 'out-of-memory' error.
Hopefully it's fixed in 3.1 - certainly isn't in 3.0.26.
Yes, the fix was made after build 3.0.26. This fix will also be included in the RMS 3.1 release build.
Thank You,
Thanks Robert.
I'll be loading 3.1 into a client's system tomorrow & will test it then.
I never did post the end of the story. Once the 2.1 database wizard converted the data to SQL I ran the RMS 2 for several days to make sure the data was OK. After that the RMS 3 database wizard converted the DB just fine in about 2 hours.
I had another bad experience with the Database Wizard just today.
I was moving a client's system from an old box running RMS 3.0 to a new server box running 3.1. Exporting the old & importing to the new failed because of different database versions. So I upgraded the old box to 3.1, then exported the database again.
However when I tried to import it into the new box, it failed just AFTER it had wiped all the SQL tables in the new box. I mean wiped EVERYTHING - products, presitge levels, everything. The only way out was to delete the whole RMS database in SQL and do a complete RMS re-install. I can't say I was thrilled about that!! One gets quite tired of entering licence keys. Now I have the pleasure of re-keying all the users, permissions, notifications and campus/building groups. Oh joy!
Luckily there was no critical data on either box. That would have really annoyed me.
Looks like AMX need to do a bit more to make this process reliable.