AVM's firmware
in AMX Hardware
I have MAX-MMS 125 and three AVMs. The problem is that sometimes one AVM's sound isn't good (it's crackin') while playin' MP3 or DVD. The vendor said that i have to update server's firmware, but i hasn't find any firmware kit for MAX-MMS on amx.com.
May be u know how to fix the problem or where to get firmware updates?
Thanks a lot!
May be u know how to fix the problem or where to get firmware updates?
Thanks a lot!
Try maxftp.amx.com. Directory 0:/firmware/4.32.21/UpgradeISO/ contains Fedora Core update and MAX daemon etc. upgrade (max_upgrade_v4.32.21.iso about 4G). But I'm not sure that it comaptible with your server (consult techsupport). Also your MAX telnet menu has something like "Upgrade firmware", that download above to MAX. I'm experienced with no automatic MAX' daemon software upgrade (I do it by hand by launching script contained on disk).
Thanks a lot! I've got a new version of firmware from the ftp u said me. I'v tried to update server via automatic updates (using web-server on my PC... bla-bla-bla) - it fails. I'm not so experienced in using Linux, but as i understand i have to do th followin':
1. Write firmware kit on CD or DVD.
2. Mount cdrom (from telnet console): something like that "mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/update"
3. Launch the script "run_update.sh": exec run_update.sh.
Please, tell me if i'm right or what's wrong!
Thanks a lot! Waitin' for your instructions...
You are rightthat you need to burn DVD (4GB).
I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with linux too. I made upgrade of server last year, so I'm not remember details exactly. I'm not sure, but may be DVD is bootable, so Fedora upgrade is automatically. One starnge thing, that update hangs if keyboard is connected to server. After Fedora upgrade I manually run script from DVD.
Also you can consult in Tech Support (AMX) and there is special menu on server like "Connect to tech support" , in which them (tech support) can exectues operations via internet.
Thank u all!
2SergeyM. As in run_update.sh i've mounted cd containin' update_v4.32.21.tar.gz in server's OS. Then i've mae a new directory: /mas/updates, extracted update there, run update.sh. Then an error occured during running update.sh and update_os.sh "ambiguous redirect". upgrade was stopped.
2DHawthorne. "Calling them on site"? Please, explain what does it mean. And if they update server how i will know 'bout that and 'bout their operations.
The fact is that techsupport doesn't answer any questions, e-mails. I don' know how to make them to do something and i'm in doubt that they will help.
When you are at the MAX installation site, call AMX. E-mail isn't going to work for this. They will have you tell the server to connect to them, which will give them remote access. They will take it from there. I'm not sure why you would be concerned about "that and 'bout their operations" ... they are the manufacturer of the product.
Well, i've found out that AMX doesn't provide support to MAX-MMS 125 and there is only one firmware i already have (((.
So thanks a lot for all!
By the way, i was also told that firmware updating doesn't solve a prblem with sound crackin'. And nobody can't do that!