R4 Questions?

There doesn't appear to be any hard button channel feedback capabilites on the R4 remote and for the most part there isn't really any need for it but I did however expect to have the ability the have channel feedback for the power button. I really expected to be able to set it to green when on and back to red when off. You can't even toggle the power on or off, lit or not lit. When it's awake it's on when it's sleeping it's off and when it's in the charger it's an slow eerie pulsing heart beat which you can't turn off (I don't think).
Is there a way to do power button feedback that I'm missing?
Also are there any modules written for these remotes yet, iPod, Escient or anything than I can borrow (steal) ideas from?
Is there a way to transfer TPD4 files from TPD4 or does everything need to go through NS2 which requires you to close the file in TPD4 or close TPD4 in order to transfer?
Is there even any documentation that tells you that TPD4 files have to be sent through NS2. I couldn't find anything other than firmware transfer info, I don't think I came across anything that mention transferring your TPD4 files? I got tired of looking and just sort of reasoned it out. I had already updated the frimware module so that helped a little.
Is there a way to do power button feedback that I'm missing?
Also are there any modules written for these remotes yet, iPod, Escient or anything than I can borrow (steal) ideas from?
Is there a way to transfer TPD4 files from TPD4 or does everything need to go through NS2 which requires you to close the file in TPD4 or close TPD4 in order to transfer?
Is there even any documentation that tells you that TPD4 files have to be sent through NS2. I couldn't find anything other than firmware transfer info, I don't think I came across anything that mention transferring your TPD4 files? I got tired of looking and just sort of reasoned it out. I had already updated the frimware module so that helped a little.
I think we are all suppose to know these things without ever being told.
If I wasn't a$$ backwards by nature I would have never figured it out.
"I think we are all suppose to know these things without ever being told."
Don't even get me started.
If you set TPD4 to connect to the virtual Master and change the remote setup to USB and connect remote to computer via USB Cable it will work.
Ok, I never looked in the drop down list of the "connect" window of TPD4. That should do it. Thanks!
That will make the process somewhat more tolerable. Now if we could eliminate the need to change from mesh to usb then reboot, transfer, then change back from usb to mesh, reboot, I wouldn't mind the transfers so much. At least now, transferring form TPD4 I should be able yo keep my file open.
1. Remove the password from the R4.
2. Set the unit to USB and reboot.
3. BEFORE upload the new file from TP4, set the unit back to MESH.
4. Now after the TP4 upload the R4 for automaticly reboot in MESH mode.
It will save you some time.