Modero MVP Drops Offline

I have read many discussions and threads concerning the Modero Panels dropping offline. All very good information, but no real solutions. AMX seems to be aware of the issue, and apparently may have at sometime attempted to fix the issue. I have attempted almost every fix, trick and work around that I can think of , or has been suggested with no joy. I have been cussed by my customer, and have taken many late night phone calls because the problem continues to haunt me. Here is the problem.
Modero Panel intermintently drops offline, and may or may not reconnect to the master. Reboot master fixes issue.
This is a 2 master system. Panel 11200 is connected to master 2 and is dedicated to theater control (ni-2000) latest firmware.
I am running MAX HT4 with module installed on Master 1
8 MVP-8400's in system, 7 connected to master 1. Only the panel connected to master 2 drops offline.
URL list resides on master 1
I have tried multiple panels, and yes I have tried a new MVP-8400i. Problem still exists.
I have tried diffrent Access Points, different network names, channels, etc. By backround in the 90's was network engineering. This is not network connection problem!! This is most definetly a AMX protocol problem
My latest tricks have been to remove the URL list from master 1 and put it on Master 2. Also I am going to modify my code to attempt to connect 11200 directly to master 1 instead of master 2.
What it all comes down to is how can I monitor connection status to device 11200, I want to poll it every 5 seconds, and if it fails I need to know via email. I already have the master eMailing other info so that part is done. I have run out of ideas and tips from other users, it has now become a science project centered around experimentation.
My frusterations with AMX equipment runs very deep. After just 2 years of dealing with it on a daily basis, I have come to the conclusion that I will either become an AMX god, or I am an idiot for putting up with this crap for so long. I have a pile of RMA'd masters because the ICSnet craps out all the time. MAX, well thats a whole story in its self. We lose 10's of thousands of dollars a year on equipment failure service calls and troubleshooting related to poorly engineered products. The list goes on and on. $5000 for an MVP is insane. Oh yeah, MVP panels have a known issue that over time they lose there ability to calibrate to touch, you have to tell your customer to use the stylus. No known fix as of last. Just yesterday I had a service call because the stylus got jammed in the dock, what kinda crap is that!! After just 6 monthes of use, most MVP's look like they have been through a war. Maybe we need a thread just to let AMX know how some of us feel about these issues.
I make a living selling AMX, that is ALL WE DO!! AMX and a few other choice products.
One positive in all this is tech support!! Those guys deal with this crap everyday, and still come back to work. Gary, Wylie and Chris, thanks so much!!
Modero Panel intermintently drops offline, and may or may not reconnect to the master. Reboot master fixes issue.
This is a 2 master system. Panel 11200 is connected to master 2 and is dedicated to theater control (ni-2000) latest firmware.
I am running MAX HT4 with module installed on Master 1
8 MVP-8400's in system, 7 connected to master 1. Only the panel connected to master 2 drops offline.
URL list resides on master 1
I have tried multiple panels, and yes I have tried a new MVP-8400i. Problem still exists.
I have tried diffrent Access Points, different network names, channels, etc. By backround in the 90's was network engineering. This is not network connection problem!! This is most definetly a AMX protocol problem
My latest tricks have been to remove the URL list from master 1 and put it on Master 2. Also I am going to modify my code to attempt to connect 11200 directly to master 1 instead of master 2.
What it all comes down to is how can I monitor connection status to device 11200, I want to poll it every 5 seconds, and if it fails I need to know via email. I already have the master eMailing other info so that part is done. I have run out of ideas and tips from other users, it has now become a science project centered around experimentation.
My frusterations with AMX equipment runs very deep. After just 2 years of dealing with it on a daily basis, I have come to the conclusion that I will either become an AMX god, or I am an idiot for putting up with this crap for so long. I have a pile of RMA'd masters because the ICSnet craps out all the time. MAX, well thats a whole story in its self. We lose 10's of thousands of dollars a year on equipment failure service calls and troubleshooting related to poorly engineered products. The list goes on and on. $5000 for an MVP is insane. Oh yeah, MVP panels have a known issue that over time they lose there ability to calibrate to touch, you have to tell your customer to use the stylus. No known fix as of last. Just yesterday I had a service call because the stylus got jammed in the dock, what kinda crap is that!! After just 6 monthes of use, most MVP's look like they have been through a war. Maybe we need a thread just to let AMX know how some of us feel about these issues.
I make a living selling AMX, that is ALL WE DO!! AMX and a few other choice products.
One positive in all this is tech support!! Those guys deal with this crap everyday, and still come back to work. Gary, Wylie and Chris, thanks so much!!
I happened to be monitoring the system today remotely when the problem appeared again. The panel seems to go to sleep. The panel goes offline and does not show up in the online device tree. I tried sending a WAKE command but could not wakeup the panel. Someone woke the panel up with a button press, and immediettly went to Browse MAX covers. No covers appeared. I quickly VNC'd into the panel and refreshed the MAX Covers page. IT WORKED!! There seems to be a very long lag between the panel waking up, and either its connection to the master, or the masters communication with MAX. I have attached a copy of the notification log. Line 80 is the first attempt to connect to MAX which failed. Somewhere around line 165 whas the successful connection.
What command could be used to keep a panel awake? Maybe in the short term I could just keep the panel from going to sleep?
Check master firmware for v3.21.354. A lot of IP fixes were done in that version.
What master connection mode are the panels running? I recommend the "URL" mode, which seems to work best. Other advantage of mode URL is that you can disable the ICSP broadcast ping. THis ping sometimes may bring trouble with network switches.
Turn it off from terminal with SET ICSP BC RATE 0.
In case of MVPs: Do you work with one single Accesspoint or with multiple units?
If working with multiple APs and using them for extending the WLAN, how they are configured - all as AccessPoints or only one AP and the others as repeaters? Best is last choice because of handling between network switch and seamless switching of the MVP between the APs.
MVP: how are the setups of Display timeout and Shutdown time (batteries menu)? Shutdown time should be longer than sleeptimer.
In the logfile I have not seen if the panel first got to sleep and then later got offline, or if it was gone offline immediately.
Success, I believe (fingers crossed). All along this has been a known problem, that AMX had fixed. I finally got put throught to Stephen in tech support, who was aware of the proble and knew how to fix it.
NI-x000 masters need to be updated to the latest firmware. This problem was actually introduced by engineering in an earlier firmware. The most important thing in all of this is to not only upgrade the firmware to the latest version, but you MUST also upgrade the queue and threshhold include to the latest version, or you will end up with problems again.
This is a really good example of an instance when it would be great if AMX would institute some sort of Technical Alert. As dealers we really need to know when an issue like this has been identified and how to fix it.
After long network check, it was 2 devices that was bombing the main Master with 100+ messages for a second.
The main master hold the url list for all the rest, and I don't know why but other masters lost there panel from time to time, and back again.
Fixing the crazy drivers solve the problem.