Extending Intercom Functionality
I recently completed a system with the new intercom panels. Kudos to AMX, the system works great.
One feature that is missing from the intercom system is a means of "All Paging" to an external system, such as a whole-house sound system. As the intercom system is now, you would have to take an audio output from a panel to the sound system, but that would get you all of the button push sounds from that panel through the whole house, and no all-pages to the house from that panel. A second option would be a dedicated panel just to receive the all-pages and pipe them through the whole house.
Given that the panels are standard VOIP devices, could some other VOIP device be added to the system as a stand-alone VOIP receiver for the whole house sound?
Any ideas appreciated. Thank you.
One feature that is missing from the intercom system is a means of "All Paging" to an external system, such as a whole-house sound system. As the intercom system is now, you would have to take an audio output from a panel to the sound system, but that would get you all of the button push sounds from that panel through the whole house, and no all-pages to the house from that panel. A second option would be a dedicated panel just to receive the all-pages and pipe them through the whole house.
Given that the panels are standard VOIP devices, could some other VOIP device be added to the system as a stand-alone VOIP receiver for the whole house sound?
Any ideas appreciated. Thank you.
The ability to use the intercom (panel to panel)...but also have paging (etc) would be big for us.
I'm guessing there is a way...but don't know the answer.
I first must preface the following comments with the statement that I cannot say that they are totally accurate and that I can't site sources.
However, I beleive I seem to remember hearing that the TPs do indeed use VOIP technology and technically have the ability to both do VOIP telephonly and also get that audio out for use with things like paging systems. However, currently there are many legal battles going on with VOIP and AMX has elected to keep these things bottled up for now.
I seem to remember someone saying that but cannot remember if it's true of not.
So, this falls firmly in the position or 'rumor'
There are still working in the development stage of their telephone voip interface. I definitely made the suggestion to add an audio out, but something about pleas and deaf ears. I guess just calling them and asking them in one way to make requests. I suppose when you are in the company buying mood you forget to evaluate your current products...or even get them out...I'll be interested to see what they mention at CEDIA. Yes it will be out by January...I mean June. Its just another J month.
Things brought up in the forums have appeared in the product lineup before. They don't exactly take requests, but they do monitor the forums, and aren't so foolish as to completely disregard good ideas. Well, most of the time ...