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Accessing a resource using a Windows UNC Path


Sorry if this is a bit of a dumb question but I am very new to AMX programming!

I am writing some code to integrate with an iDyl media server and want to show the cover art on a CV5 panel. The server interface sends me back a UNC path to the JPG, e.g.


I understand that I need to use the ^RAF/^RMF commands to load/modify a TP resource however these commands require the use of HTTP or FTP to access the resource. I know it is possible to use 'file://' in IE to access the resource using a UNC path but I assume this will not work on the 3100.

Is there a way of using a UNC path with the HTTP implementation on the 3100 or do I need to speak to the media server developers to get them to implement an HTTP server on the box and make the resources available using that?

Many thanks in advance



  • I know this is an old post, but if anyone else has the same question (I did!):

    1. You can't access files by UNC at all, short of implementing the SMB protocol through AMX code, which is pretty low on the feasibility scale.

    2. The iDyl also runs a web server on a non-standard port that lets you access the cover art. The - untested - notes I have here say:


    Where ARTIST, ALBUM and DVDNAME are replaced with the relevant information. I would assume these directly correlate to some of the information that comes back with the UNC path.

    Hope this helps someone!
  • Don't spend too much time on this unless you need to as there is an Idyl module on its way which should have full functionality built in.
  • sridley wrote:
    Don't spend too much time on this unless you need to as there is an Idyl module on its way which should have full functionality built in.
    Yes, that's good advice - I actually spoke to the programmer writing the module yesterday.

    I suppose it depends which way you want to go with it though, a full manufacturer-provided driver, UI and all, or a smaller more focused bit of code that slots into a bespoke design. (That you have to support yourself of course!)

    Each to their own. :)
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