Editor Prefrences?
Where can i import/export editor prefrences in Netlinx Studio? when i go to the "tools" menu its not there. Im trying to setup the editor to look like what we had in training--fonts, background etc. Also, how do i make those dotted lines (dont know what theyre called) that line up curly braces appear?
sorry for the dumb questions. Thanks
Where can i import/export editor prefrences in Netlinx Studio? when i go to the "tools" menu its not there. Im trying to setup the editor to look like what we had in training--fonts, background etc. Also, how do i make those dotted lines (dont know what theyre called) that line up curly braces appear?
sorry for the dumb questions. Thanks
It's in the Tools drop down menu.
The dotted lines: I think you want "Show White Space" This is on the Edit Tool bar, so make sure have that checked.
Hi..... These dotted lines are called indentation guide
To enable or disable go to Setting Menu.. then preferences
Click on the Editor Tab, on the lower left side check/uncheck Enable Indentation Guides......
Tools menu, Import/Export Editor Preferences. I don't know of any reason they wouldn't be there, unless you're not running the most recent version of Studio (2.5 something)