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NI4100 with NXC-IRS4

KimKim Posts: 52
Hello All!

I have NI 4100 with 4 NXC-IRS4 plate.
Sometimes i have this problem, when i download new program on NI controller, after rebooting the controller, the controller does not see NXC-IRS4, helps repeated reboot.

The NI Controller have latest Duet Master Firmware and latest Device frirmware, NXC-IRS4 too.

Who that had similar problems?

Best regards!


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Kim wrote:
    Hello All!

    I have NI 4100 with 4 NXC-IRS4 plate.
    Sometimes i have this problem, when i download new program on NI controller, after rebooting the controller, the controller does not see NXC-IRS4, helps repeated reboot.

    The NI Controller have latest Duet Master Firmware and latest Device frirmware, NXC-IRS4 too.

    Who that had similar problems?

    Best regards!

    I've had both the problem you discribe and the same problem with remote shells with the cards connected via ICSNet. (Yes, they were all terminated properely) I ISCNet's the problem. I haven't found a solution other than to look at the master after rebooting and check to see if the device(s) are online. If not, reboot again and they seem to come back.
  • cmacma Posts: 94
    I have the same problem except that ICS devices (Card frames) will be on line and then they will just stop communicating until system is rebooted.
  • Jimweir192Jimweir192 Posts: 502
    I've solved this before by manually reassigning a new ID to the card, rather than leaving them set at the default ID which is first picked up when first connected to the master. Theres something odd that happens when the master reboots and any cards are left at the default ID.

  • Jimweir192 wrote:
    I've solved this before by manually reassigning a new ID to the card, rather than leaving them set at the default ID which is first picked up when first connected to the master. Theres something odd that happens when the master reboots and any cards are left at the default ID.

    If you have your NXC cards in the NXM-NHS shell and leave them in the "default ID" (i assuming you mean in range 32000..), they may fail after a reboot. But this is working as designed. The 32000 range is a non-valid range for normal operation, it's just for the master to pick up any new busdevice into the system without a address conflict (in this range also a NetLinx Studio or TPDesign4 will be connected). You have to set them to a valid address (commonly in the 5000.. range) for regular operation.

    It differs with the cardframes or the NXC slots of a NI-4000/4100 (which in the background are hardwired NXF-MINI). In this case, the card automatically gets the address by the setup of the cardframe, where a base address for the slots is set with a dipswitch.
    Formula: cardaddress = <dipswitch setting>*12 + slotnumber.
    The common base for the first cardframe is 25 (25*12 + slot 1 = address 301 for the card)
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Jimweir192 wrote:
    I've solved this before by manually reassigning a new ID to the card, rather than leaving them set at the default ID which is first picked up when first connected to the master. Theres something odd that happens when the master reboots and any cards are left at the default ID.

    In all cases I have created new device numbers. I never leave them at the default.
  • Jimweir192Jimweir192 Posts: 502
    There you go - I didn't know the 32000 range was invalid. I stand corrected!!
  • Jimweir192Jimweir192 Posts: 502
    I see from TN310 that:

    1-255 Axcess Devices Use axcess standards
    301-3060 Netlinx card frames Start at frame number 25 - (frame# * 12) + 1
    5001-5999 ICSNet Netlinx devices NXI, NXM-COM2, NXM-IRS4, etc.
    6001-6999 ICSNet Landmark devices PLH-VS8, PLH-AS16, PLB-AS16
    7001-7999 P3 Devices
    8001-8999 PCLink Device PCLink device are PC Programs
    10000-31999 ICSNet Panels DMS, IMS, future panels
    33001-36863 Virtual devices Start at 33001

    32001-32767 Dynamic devices Actual range used by master
    32768-36863 Virtual devices Actual range used by master

    I've been using ID's in the range 25xxx for ICSNet devices - I see that should strictly be in the 5xxx range. The things you didn't know...
  • The arrangement of devices in 301..31999 is just some kind of "style guide". Only the range 32000 .. 32767 is critical because here the master defines the addresses dynamically to unassigned devices and programming tools like Studio and TP4. The range 1..255 may not be used because of possible conflicts with AXlink devices, which only can be in that range.

    But in our dealer trainings we highly recommend the arrangement from the technote. Easier to remind what type of device a "dvProjector" is :)

    P.S.: for those who are interested in the good old AXcess Device range definition:
    1..84 cardframe devices and the integrated devices of Axcent, AXcent2, AXcent3 /3pro
    85..126 AXlink Boxes
    127 AXB-FD (floppy drive ;))
    128..255 control panels (touchpanels, keypads, PCTouch, WebLinx WebControl, etc)
  • KimKim Posts: 52
    Thanks all who has answered!

    Thanks all who has answered!
    I did not put the address for NXC on the controller they have remained by default with numbers 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004. Can be therefore and there is this problem, shall establish tomorrow with 301, 302, 303, 304 and I shall look...

    Best regards!
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908

    Any update? I'm running into the same problem right now. Did reassigning it from 1,2,3,4 to 301,302,303,304 help?

    Also, it appears that there in fact is a problem since there are a few of us actually reporting it here on the forums. Have you all sent made cases with AMX tech support? When I called in, they said they had never heard of this problem. As we all know, these forums are *not* fully (or even partially) supported. We could rant, and rave all day long - but tech support won't respond on a case by case basis (which I don't blame them.) Anyway, that said: if you're experiencing this problem, do call in to tech support - something is wrong.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908

    As far as the download locking up when transferring, I was able to get it working again by canceling the download, flipping the first dipswitch on the back of NI to on (disabling the code/program), and then power cycling the processor. After the reboot I was able to reconnect to the processor and then re-download the firmware, and it took worked. Once the upgrade (downgrade in my case) was successful, I was able to flip the first switch back to off, and then reboot once more (power cycled.) It's all working again.

    Whether or not the ICSNet lock-up was fixed is yet to be seen. I'll be sure to update again with the results.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Surprise, surprise!

    What a shocker! New firmware released to fix this problem. Be sure to visit AMX.com and go to the firmware file section.
    NI Series (X100) Device Firmware
    New Features:

    * Fixed AxLink problems when there is AxLink traffic on startup

    KIT | 36.0 KB | v. 1.13.7 | 2007-10-15
  • KimKim Posts: 52
    I do not think, that cards of expansion use trunk Axlink, but to update an insertion I think there is, and after change of addresses a problem, was not shown yet. If there will be changes shall write.
  • KimKim Posts: 52
    The problem is actual till now. http://www.amxforums.com/showthread.php?t=5399

    And it is awful! Engineers АМХ, you come for work or not?!!!
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