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Aethra X5 IR Code doesnt work


I am try to control Aethra X5
I have the remote and an IRIS but there are two codes that I cannot learn.
They are the OK button and the (*.) button. Any solution or suggestion?



  • Jimweir192Jimweir192 Posts: 502
    Have you tried with Special Mode on the IRIS? Push UP and SEND together and the display will show "Sp". Capture again but be aware you will need to verify the command multiple times.

  • lptlpt Posts: 9
    Jimweir192 wrote:
    Have you tried with Special Mode on the IRIS? Push UP and SEND together and the display will show "Sp". Capture again but be aware you will need to verify the command multiple times.


    Thx, Jim.
    I try before, but still have the same problem on there. Is there anyother method or solution ?
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    lpt wrote:
    I am try to control Aethra X5
    I have the remote and an IRIS but there are two codes that I cannot learn.
    They are the OK button and the (*.) button. Any solution or suggestion?
    If you can?t get the IRIS to learn the IR codes (and you can?t get an IRL from anyone else) then hex codes is your only other alternative AFAIK. remotecentral.com has a large archive of hex codes but I don?t see your device listed there.

    If you can get your hands on a Pronto remote and if the Pronto can indeed learn the commands correctly, you can then use ProntoEdit to get a copy of the hex codes and then paste them into your IRL with IREdit. Same holds true with an RTI remote and RTIs software. I?m not sure what other learning remotes let you view the hex codes, those are the two that I?m aware of.

  • joelwjoelw Posts: 175
    %res$ron Conversion Utility
    Joe Hebert wrote:
    I?m not sure what other learning remotes let you view the hex codes, those are the two that I?m aware of.

    Some time back I wrote a $res^ron IR file format to Pronto converter. The output can be directly imported into IREdit.


    The updated version is here:
  • lptlpt Posts: 9
    I got the IR code from Aethra


    Finally I got the IR code rom Aethra..and it work...

    thx all of U...


    I have the same issue
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