PLB-AMP8 & Netlinx??
in AMX Hardware
Can I use a PLB-AMP8 on my Netlinx system?
What is the difference between PhastLink and ICSNet? Is there one? Can I use most (all?) of the Phast/Landmark stuff with ICSNet?
Thank you!
What is the difference between PhastLink and ICSNet? Is there one? Can I use most (all?) of the Phast/Landmark stuff with ICSNet?
Thank you!
So like with the PLK-DMS, for the PLB-AMP8 a NetLinx Module is available, which will give you control of the AMP8. There are also Modules for the PLB-AS8/AS16.
AFAIK you'll find this modules in the Inconcert Area, by searching for manufacturer AMX.
I like using the Phast amps and switchers for audio systems, and I've even put them into brand new jobs. They eliminate the need to have seperate volume controls on top of a standard matrix switch, and it's very easy to integrate the built-in levels of the devices with a touch panel level or keypad.
As Marc and Dave noted, it is possible to use most of the Phast/Landmark devices with AMX and modules exist for the devices that are supported. You can find them in the InConcert area of AMX but you can also find them easily in the Dealer section of the website under Tech Center -> Programming Files. There you can find the specific modules for Landmark devices as well as a sample test module for them in .axs source code form. Of course, all of the modules for the devices are in .tko token format only (no source code).
A word of caution on integrating Landmark devices. The AMP8 levels are display only - they can not be used to control the AMP8 channel volumes but that typically is not a capability that is required (ramping AMP8 volume) since volume control would be provided through an audio switch or a dedicated volume control device. You can SEND_COMMAND to change the channel volumes and track the volume using the levels as Dave noted.
On the AS16, although level control of volume is supported (ramping), it is tenuous at best. Trying to ramp more than one channel at a time will almost certainly result in the AS16 crashing. Due to the AS16 limitations related to levels and volume ramping, when I convert a Landmark system to Netlinx, I generally keep the AMP8s and replace the switcher or implement NXC-VOL4s for volume control relegating the AS16 to switching functions only.
In other words, you can use most of the Landmark devices in a Netlinx system but they may not operate with the same level of functionality you have come to expect under Landmark.
Actually, I have never owned any Landmark devices, thus the question. I've used Axcess for 4 years and switched to Netlinx earlier this year (NI-3000), but all of my devices are still on axlink.
Last night I experienced something I consider an impossibility. I was moving my Harman/Kardon receiver and unplugged the CD input. Each time I unplugged this input from the receiver, my NI-3000 died or otherwise quit talking axlink. When I plugged it back in, the NI-3000 rebooted. I did this half a dozen times with the same effect. WIth those CD inputs unplugged all touchscreens drop off the axlink bus and right when they're plugged back in my startup code runs and everything reverts back to normal. I have no idea how this is possible. Note that the H/K was powered down, in fact it wasn't even plugged in!
The only link to the system is my convoluted audio setup. I have a line-out from a computer (this does all of my audio mixing) splitting into two VOL3 boxes, one AXC-VOL card, and one branch off to the H/K receiver's CD inputs. The three stereo outputs from the Axlink VOLx units then run into three small, standalone 15 watt amplifiers, which go to speakers throughout the house.
I see no possible explanation for why unplugging the input on the H/K receiver could do ANYTHING to my Netlinx system. It makes no sense whatsoever. I can only guess one of the VOL3s or the VOL card has a serious problem of some sort. Regardless, it's a convoluted mess and I've been wanting to replace it with an AMP8 for awhile, so now seems like a good time.
Hi Reese,
When I use the AS16 and I want to ramp the volume up or down I just do a TO to the corresponding channel for the zone selected. I have limited experience with the AS16 but so far I haven't had any issues. What are the limitations related to volume ramping as you see it?
On another note, I just had a request to modify some code to ramp 5 zones simultaneously so I was thinking all I would have to do is list 5 TO statements under a PUSH and that would do the trick. I haven't tried it as of yet. Are you saying I am more than likely going to crash the switcher? I really don't have the option to use VOL4s.
Thanks in advance,
Sorry for the delay in responding. Here is the AS8/AS16 situation situation as we experienced it and confirmed with AMX Technical Support.
We had an application where we were attempting to use the AS8/16 channels 1-48 for volume ramping primarily using ON/OFF on the channels under different events. While we had some success with a single output zone at a time (although we had cases where a long ramp, level 0 to level 200 for instance, would crash the switcher), we had little luck with ramping multiple zones at the same time. We talked with AMX Technical Support at the time and they confirmed the limitations on volume ramping using the AS devices. They noted that volume ramping on a single zone works fairly well but the device(s) are simply not robust enough to handle ramping on multiple zones at the same time. This confirmed what we had already observed in the field but we checked with them to see if there was a firmware release that might help alleviate the problem. They did say to make sure you had the latest firmware for the switchers (this is not downloadable of course, requires a firmware chip) since this would help but it would not solve the problems completely.
In contrast to volume ramping (tied to a DMS level or a TP level), we ended up simulating ramping by sampling a level change on an input device and then doing a SEND_COMMAND to the switcher to explicitly set the volume level. Again, we had to be careful not to flood the switcher with too many commands at the same time on the same channel or on multiple channels since this would also cause the switcher problems. In the end, while we ended up with something that worked ok most of the time, it was a far cry from the ideal solution. It required a good deal of code and a less than perfect volume interface since tying the input devices to the switcher for level control simply did not work as expected.
I hope you have better results. We did not try the TO method you are using but since the problem with the switchers seems to be the inability to process a number of commands/messages at the same time, you may quite possibly run into the same problem. Good luck.