ModbusTCP Duet Example

Here's a sample Duet ModbusTCP module.
Module features are:
1. Get Analog Inputs
2. Set Analog Output
3. Get Digital Inputs
4. Set Digital Output
5. ModbusTCP Slave
6. Works with any ModbusTCP Slave device. There are many cost effective ModbusTCP based devices on the market.
To use module
build new program using .axs file in zip file, then upload to Duet enabled processor
Telnet into processor
type: msg on
type: send c vdvModbusTCP,'?'
Module features are:
1. Get Analog Inputs
2. Set Analog Output
3. Get Digital Inputs
4. Set Digital Output
5. ModbusTCP Slave
6. Works with any ModbusTCP Slave device. There are many cost effective ModbusTCP based devices on the market.
To use module
build new program using .axs file in zip file, then upload to Duet enabled processor
Telnet into processor
type: msg on
type: send c vdvModbusTCP,'?'
send c vdvmodbustcp,'ditest 0 16' >(0002320684) Digital Inputs Status=00000001 00000001 send c vdvmodbustcp,'aitest 0 16' >(0002345944) Word 0=0 (0002345947) Word 1=1 (0002345950) Word 2=2 (0002345953) Word 3=3 (0002345956) Word 4=4 (0002345958) Word 5=5 (0002345961) Word 6=6 (0002345964) Word 7=7 (0002345967) Word 8=8 (0002345969) Word 9=9 (0002345972) Word 10=0 (0002345975) Word 11=0 (0002345978) Word 12=0 (0002345981) Word 13=0 (0002345984) Word 14=0 (0002345986) Word 15=0