AXF-RF(A very basic/novice question)
in AMX Hardware
I have a receiver (AXF-RF). I need to set the device number to (129), using the dip switch on the back of the device. The manual says that the device number is set by the "total value of the dip switch in the On position". I tried setting the switches 1, 2, 9 to the on (down) position, apparently that is not the way to do it. Can somebody please tell me how to set a device number on this receiver? Thanks
To set to device number 129, set switches 1 and 8 to the "on" position. Explanation: this DIP switch represents a number from 0 to 255. Each switch, turned on, will add a power of 2. Switch 1 adds 1 (2^0), and switch 8 adds 128 (2^7); this makes 129. If there is a switch 9, your DIP switch is strange.
I really appreciate your prompt reply. My mistake, there is no switch 9 (only 1-8). I will try this. I also appreciate the explanation that you offerred. It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.
- Chip