MAX, Divx and Multi-region DVDs

in MAX by AMX
Can the MAX media servers play Divx and Multiregion DVDs??
If not, is there any modification to do so?
Thank you
Can the MAX media servers play Divx and Multiregion DVDs??
If not, is there any modification to do so?
Thank you
Thank you DH, But I need a confirmed answer, so I can decide what to do, Purchase or Not to Purchase
Region change I think is mainly for copying the DVD media, after that I think it plays every region?
So using several DVD readers to copy diff regions can solve the problem of limited region changes. BTW there is a dedicate product of AMX for that , I don't remember the name but its in the manual of the max.
Dave, please correct me if I am wrong here.
1- Is the region setting necessary for recording only??, I mean If the region is set to 1 then it can only import region 1 DVDs but still play any other region??
2- can I add an Extra DVD drive into the MAX?? OR replace the DVD drive with another one?
I will check it this week.
2 - you can use as many DVD readers as you like in Winmax.
So you can use the DVD of the computer that running the Winmax, and if the 1 is true, you can put a different DVD with diff regions.