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AppleTV... Again..

Hello Guys

I know this has been discussed before in this forum, but I need more clarifications.

Note I am not that expert in Linux or MacOS systems, all I did with Linux is installing Slimserver on a Hifidelio music server, No more.

My client wants to control his AppleTV using the computer control feature, He has a MiniMac, and I installed a VNC server on it, so he wants the same for the AppleTV.

Tried to telnet the device, but no luck, then I new from AppleTVhacks.net that telnet should be enabled first, and then I found my self in the middle of a strange world, that I have never been before.

If someone can take me through this step by step, I will be so grateful.

Thank You


  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    Sensiva wrote:
    Tried to telnet the device, but no luck, then I new from AppleTVhacks.net that telnet should be enabled first, and then I found my self in the middle of a strange world, that I have never been before.
    Don't trust Mr. Tumnus, he'll drug you and hand you over to the Ice Queen. I would follow the yellow brick road instead.
  • SensivaSensiva Posts: 211
    mpullin wrote:
    I would follow the yellow brick road instead.

    Which is........??
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    mpullin wrote:
    Don't trust Mr. Tumnus, he'll drug you and hand you over to the Ice Queen. I would follow the yellow brick road instead.
    What the heck does that mean! That's got to be the wierdest asnwer I've seen yet. Have you been smokin?
  • TonyAngeloTonyAngelo Posts: 315
    You guys obviously aren't up on the current Apple hackers lingo. It's all very simple; this is Mr. Tumnus.
  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    lol... sorry if I caused any confusion for those who didn't get my joke. The poster mentioned being in a strange new world, and I didn't know what that meant, whether it meant Narnia, Oz, or just that telnetting to an Apple is difficult/non-standard. I don't actually know anything about AppleTV... :(
  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    TonyAngelo wrote:
    You guys obviously aren't up on the current Apple hackers lingo. It's all very simple; this is Mr. Tumnus.
    Yes... lingo... that's what I was doing.

    Mr. Tumnus = iLife
    the Ice Queen = Steve Jobs
    the yellow brick road = Windows

    That should clear things up.
  • SensivaSensiva Posts: 211
    mpullin wrote:
    and I didn't know what that meant, whether it meant Narnia, Oz, or just that telnetting to an Apple is difficult/non-standard. I don't actually know anything about AppleTV... :(

    LoL, I meant that to enable telnet I should go through many things that I don't know about.

    That's all

    And FYI mpullin : this is the second time you Hijack one of my threads, Its not you, but there is something about you, members aren't interested in the title as much as in your signature or your weird answers :D
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Sensiva wrote:
    members aren't interested in the title as much as in your signature or your weird answers
    It does tend to make things around here a little more enjoyable. Being on point or on subject all the time get's old and tiresome and a screwball answer like Matt's adds a nice chuckle to an other wise extremely focused day.
  • SensivaSensiva Posts: 211
    I agree, that's why I am commending mpullins , and I think he has a kind of Charisma.

    I think you misunderstood my reply
  • ryanwwryanww Posts: 196
    Here is how to enable SSH.


    I have no idea of any kind of command structure or any form of communication. I tried looking for anything on it but no one knows yet. I know there is an IR file for it..
  • SensivaSensiva Posts: 211
    ryanww wrote:
    Here is how to enable SSH.


    I have no idea of any kind of command structure or any form of communication. I tried looking for anything on it but no one knows yet. I know there is an IR file for it..
    Thanks for the wiki Ryan, I will check it, There is no problem with the IR control, I have the learned codes if you are interested.
  • ryanwwryanww Posts: 196
    I wish I had one.. I wanted to, but no one knew amx control of it and it was new.. so I decided not to get it.. I will just wait till a newer version..
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    learn the IR remote :p
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    yuri wrote:
    learn the IR remote :p
    Like most things Apple, the IP control protocol will come out some time later. It was that way at first with the iPod.
  • TonyAngeloTonyAngelo Posts: 315
    yuri wrote:
    learn the IR remote :p

    The AppleTV IR works fine, if you like slowly banging your head against the wall.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    ericmedley wrote:
    Like most things Apple, the IP control protocol will come out some time later. It was that way at first with the iPod.

    and that's a solution for now? ;)
  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    TonyAngelo wrote:
    The AppleTV IR works fine, if you like slowly banging your head against the wall.
    Kind of an odd analogy... I would much rather bang my head against the wall slowly than quickly... :p
  • TonyAngeloTonyAngelo Posts: 315
    Well it didn't seem right to use the word quickly in the same sentence with the phrase "AppleTV IR."
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