IRC Adhesive Quality
in AMX Hardware
Greetings...any tips/tricks on mounting of the IR emitter head. The stickiness of the adhesive that comes on this device is not very strong and a week into an install they are popping off. Thought of using some clear scotch tape but using scotch tape on a system this expensive seems a bit bush-league.
Warm up the adhesive strip before removing the paper cover. I use the exhaust vent from a propane soldering iron - though it requires a delicate touch so as not to melt the emitter head. If you are careful not to peel off the paper in the process, just rub it rapidly on your sleeve or pants leg (careful about appearances on that one
Make sure your adhesive strip isn't ancient and dried out. Many 3rd party emitters come with spare adhesive, and I always save these so I can replace any old ones on packaged emitters.
Never, ever, remove and re-stick them, unless you know for a fact you can come back soon and replace the adhesive. Even though it looks like it's stuck solid, it's bound to fall off later (usually two days after you are finished with the project - and now you are getting the dread "my receiver doesn't turn on!" phone call).
Sometimes a dab of silicone-based glue will anchor the emitter better than the adhesive strip - but the clean surface thing applies just as strongly. With some plastics, however, the silicone peels right off and it's no improvement. Don't overdo it either, a huge glob is not aethetically pleasing.
If you have a choice, use the IR jack on the back of a device instead of an emitter.
Again, if you have a choice, don't use emitters in any closed or badly ventilated place that can reach higher than normal temperatures. Heat dries them out and makes them fall off.
When all else fails, use the big adhesive mask that comes with most emitters for a bigger sticky surface. This is not an option, however if you need for a hannd held IR source to be able to get a signal through as well as your emitter.
I find the IR's fall off too often, we replace them monthly here on campus. I don't like to say it but Cre****** IR's seem to be a bit better (larger sticky area). One of the few things that AMX could improve is the IR's.