TPI3 Bricked...
in AMX Hardware
OK. Here's the issue. I have an old AXB-TPI that we're replacing an ELO touchpanel on. The unit was working fine. We had some issues getting a good calibration on the new panel, and in the process of figuring it out, I was configuring the TPI with Terminal....Unfortunately, I typo'ed and typed 'MOUSE 3' instead of 'MOUSE 13' to select an ELO panel and somehow introduced an error into the system...Now it just reboots itself over and over, and I can neither talk to it nor reset the hardware...I've popped out both button cells for at least 5 minutes, no luck. Can no longer connect in Terminal. HELP!!!!!
OK...My next question. We replaced the old ELO touchpanel with a newer style...But we had difficulty in getting a good calibration. By manually entering calibration data using the SET CAL command in Terminal, I managed to get the calibration height and width correct...But one problem: one of the axes' (either X or Y) is backwards, depending on whether you use MOUSE 12 or MOUSE 13 command. Which means that, say, the cursor will follow correctly left-to-right, but up-and-down will be a mirror image--your finger moves down, the cursor moves up....
So Close.....
Any ideas out there?
I know I could resolve this issue if I could figure out how to modify the source code on the .TSK driver configuration files that you load into the TPI3 in order to set which type of serial connection used. There are two files, one for an Intellitouch and one for an accutouch. each one treats one axis correctly...If I can combine the two....Well...I'll be in business.
trouble is, I don't even know what language the .TSK's are in.
I stumped 4 different AMX support well as myself, our service tech, and engineering manager---combined, we have decades of troubleshooting experience. ELO didn't even want to touch it.