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Ni4100 keeps shutting down

Hi. Have a small problem. Our ni4100 keeps shutting down on me after few min of usage. The status light goes off, but the network light is on. I have to unplug the controller for at least 1 minute to get it back working for the next few minutes..


  • letMeIn wrote:
    Hi. Have a small problem. Our ni4100 keeps shutting down on me after few min of usage. The status light goes off, but the network light is on. I have to unplug the controller for at least 1 minute to get it back working for the next few minutes..

    For few days the controller was connected to PSN2.8 which has 13.5 VDC. Now we switched to PSN6.5 but it did not fix the problem. Could the psn2.8 have caused this ???

    To check the hardware, set PROGRAM DipSwitch, set switch 1 to ON and reboot. Master now only launches firmware but not your code. If the master still fails after some minutes, it may be a hardware issue.

    But imho this seems to be more a software issue. Maybe you run into an endless WHILE loop or into an endless loops of Functions (Function1 calls Function2, 2 calls 1, etc). Will the lockup also happen if you are disconecting your RS232 devices?
  • letMeInletMeIn Posts: 15
    well I did switch to PRD mode and the system became more stable. However once I go back to regular mode, system works fine for a little while and then just shuts down. I don't have any endless loops. As a matter of fact I just loaded lets say "Hello World" program that does nothing, and its still happening. Is there a way to flush the whole system to default values, erase the entire memory etc .. ??

    I run Netlinx Diagnostics program v1.0 and enabled Internal System Diagnostics. The only error message that continuously appears is " Error sending UDP packet (IP=EFFFFAFB) (Error=65).

    Another thing that I noticed, not sure if its related or not.
    I updated the Master firmware ( to v3_21_354) and with no problem and then tried upgrading Netlinx Controller ( to v1_13_6) and once the file is uploaded it just hangs there. Progress bar is complete, and lower just says "file 1 of 1 please wait". Send button is disabled. Status doesn't change at all. However when I cancel and reboot the system after 20min, when I go to Network tree and highlight Netlinx controller, it shows the software is upto date 1.13.6.

    this thing is driving me crazy lol. Tried calling AMx tech support, but I only get the voiceboxes dohhh
  • letMeInletMeIn Posts: 15
    also saw this error come up " IPDeviceDetector.run() failed to join multicast group "

    Srry for being a noob, but Im new to the AMX , and those problems are driving me crazy. I just want to get it fixed asap and continue programming ..lol

    thx for all your help :)
  • letMeIn wrote:
    well I did switch to PRD mode and the system became more stable. However once I go back to regular mode, system works fine for a little while and then just shuts down. I don't have any endless loops. As a matter of fact I just loaded lets say "Hello World" program that does nothing, and its still happening. Is there a way to flush the whole system to default values, erase the entire memory etc .. ??

    I run Netlinx Diagnostics program v1.0 and enabled Internal System Diagnostics. The only error message that continuously appears is " Error sending UDP packet (IP=EFFFFAFB) (Error=65).

    The message in most cases is created by the UDP ping a NetLinx master sends by default to find panels which may run in URL mode LISTEN, if there is no gateway adress or adress is set
    To fix that UDP thing, please check if your master has set a gateway adress. An empty gateway or a gateway are not allowed in IP environment, unfortunately by accident it is possible to do that by terminal or Studio. This should not lock up the master to "dead", but may have effects to network handling. Set a gateway IP fitting to your subnet, but it is not required to have a physical gateway. If I have an isolated AMX network, I use the master's IP or the IP of a WAP as gateway.
  • letMeInletMeIn Posts: 15
    k. Created brand new project. Im only sending "Hello World" to the TP, i put it in the Define Program section. It worked for about 10 min, than by itself the Controller Rebooted, Status light never came back on, could no longer connect to the master.

    kk changed the gateway, rebooted the system will see what happens
  • letMeInletMeIn Posts: 15
    ok Master stays online for about 10min before the whole system reboots and goes to sleep afterwords. Network light is On, but the status light is off a and can't connect to the master using netlinx diagnostics. Have to unplug the power to get it back online. My program is only sending "Hello World" string to the TP.
  • You can try telent (or Hyperterminal if you like) into the Controller and type "Clean Disk". That will erase any files you have on the controller. Then try loading your "hello world".

    Question, when the system locks up does the AxLink indicator light on the back go off? Also if you have any AxLink or ICSNet devices attached or control cards in the slots disconnect them for now and see if that makes a difference.
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