NI-4100 Lock-Up & Re-Boot!
I have several systems that are continuously requiring a "unplug the power" reboot. The systems are losing communication with all touch screens, keypads and Mio remotes. I then have to remove the power from the back of the controller and plug it back in. The system will then come back online. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Telnet into the master and type in "msg on". Watch what kind of messages you get while the system is being used. Take special note of repeating error messages and online/offline events. Type in "log all" to see the last 1000 if the system has already been up a while. "Show mem" is another good command ... try it when the system starts and again a few hours later, see if the memory allocation is stable. Any running system ought not to have a decreasing memory availability unless it is writing to the RAM drive.
If that doesn't offer any clues, turn on device notifications for all events on all devices, either in NetLinx Studio or NetLinx Diagnostics. Again, watch for repeating traffic. Sometimes there can be nothing actually wrong, but stuff just happening too frequently.